Yom Kippur At CBI:
All You Need To Know

Table of Contents

1. Resources / Documents
2. Yom Kippur Schedule
3. Location, Parking
4. COVID Safety
5. A Note On Security
6. Annual Food Drive

1. Resources / Documents

Yom Kippur Service Supplement

While most songs and prayers can be found in our beautiful Mishkan Hanefesh prayer books, there are always some poems, inspiring texts and useful information in the Yom Kippur service supplement. Printed versions of the supplement will be handed out to everyone attending services in-person. All who are planning to join services virtually on YouTube, can access a digital version of the supplement.

A Note On Machzorim / Mishkan Hanefesh

If you are planning to attend Yom Kippur services virtually, please note that digital versions of the Yom Kippur prayer book are not available for free again this year. Physical copies of the prayer book are available at the CBI Administrative Office, pickup should be coordinated with Office Administrator Raya Rzeszut.

High Holiday Guide / Gameboard

Curious about which High Holiday services are right for your family? Please use our attached Family High Holiday gameboard/guide! Here you'll find all the details on the service style, length and what ages it would be best suited for.

Annual Appeal Letter

5783 is going to be a BIG Year at CBI. In this year's annual appeal the synagogue leadership is asking the CBI community to consider making a gift towards the repair and maintenance of our aging building, and more specifically the roof above the main sanctuary.

2. Yom Kippur Schedule

Tuesday, October 4: KOL NIDRE

7:30 pm: Evening Service 
(In-person & On YouTube | Trinity Church Main Sanctuary)

Wednesday, October 5: YOM KIPPUR

9:00 am: Tot & Family Service
(In-person | Trinity Church Adult Education Rooms)

10:00 am: Morning Service
(In-person & On YouTube | Trinity Church Main Sanctuary)

4:00 pm: Yizkor
(In-person & On YouTube | CBI Main Sanctuary)

(Printed versions will be available for those who attend in person.)

4:00 pm: Family Break The Fast

5:00 pm: Afternoon Torah Study
(In-person | CBI O'Mansky Hall)

5:45 pm: Minchah Followed By Neilah
(In-person & On YouTube | CBI Main Sanctuary | Followed by a light Break the Fast)

3. Location(s), Parking

Location(s), Parking, Accessibility

  • Trinity Presbyterian Church is located at 3101 Fontaine Avenue Extended, Charlottesville, VA, 22903.
  • Ample parking is available, with handicap spaces scattered throughout and marked accordingly.
  • Please arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of a service.
  • Pre-validated parking tickets for use at the Water Street and Market Street garages will be available in the main lobby for services held at CBI.
  • Special seating arrangements are available at Trinity for those using wheelchairs or walkers.
  • Audio enhanced sound for those with hearing aids which are “T” capable is available in the front center section of Trinity Main Sanctuary.

4. COVID Safety

COVID Safety Expectations for
High Holy Days Services 2022

There is a strong expectation that those attending High Holy Days services will follow these COVID safety behaviors and precautions:

  • Vaccinations and boosters for all individuals who are eligible and can safely be vaccinated
  • Masking while indoors with the exception of when food is being consumed
  • Social distancing when possible
  • Responsible personal decision making when known to have been exposed to COVID, including testing and choosing to NOT attend services and events
  • Personal choice to stay away from all services and events if tested positive for COVID or have COVID-like symptoms
  • Options will be available for virtual attendance for those who choose not to attend in-person services.

Thank you for keeping us all safe and healthy!

5. A Note On Security

The world Jewish Community have experienced increase anti-Semitic incidents over the past few years. This has been especially true in the United States. The Charlottesville Jewish Community is no exception to anti-Semitic activities. With the High Holidays approaching, we at CBI need to be aware of suspicious activities that may impact our peace.

Law enforcement agencies, including the Jewish Federation’s Secure Community Network (SCN), has highly recommended that we have increased awareness to possible threats. The CBI Security Committee encourages all to remember the training on “situation awareness” and practice the lessons learned from that training (please be sure to also read the paragraph about security training below).

As a result, we encourage everyone attending High Holiday services to refrain from bringing large bags, backpacks and/or other large packages or items to services. We understand that some bags (diaper bags, tallit bags, purses with personal items, etc.) are necessary/essential, but want attendees to be aware that ALL bags are subject to search by our security team of uniformed guards. If the guards ask to inspect your bag, please remember they are only trying to protect you and all those that will be attending services.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kent Schlussel, Chairperson, CBI Security Committee.

6. Annual Food Drive

Please consider contributing to CBI’s annual High Holy Days Food Drive and get the New Year off to a great start with the mitzvah of providing food to individuals and families struggling to feed themselves on a daily basis.

This year's food donations will go to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.

Paper bags with the list of requested items were passed out at Rosh HaShanah services. Donated food items will be collected at the Yom Kippur services or you can place them in the lobby bins at CBI during the week between holidays. On Yom Kippur there will be a truck parked near the entrance of Trinity Presbyterian Church and bags may be left in the back of the truck.

In addition to donating food items, we also encourage you to consider a monetary donation to the Emergency Food Network, to which the CBI community has contributed to for over 25 years. If you would like to make a monetary donation, click HERE to learn how. The Emergency Food Network is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.