For those who did not see the announcement last week:
St. John's is complying with CDC recommendations to avoid gatherings up until the projected date of May 9th. Please stay home and stay safe! Daily Devotionals and a daily prayer list is being sent to all on our email list, and we will be gathering as a church family each Sunday for online worship. The service will be posted on the front page of our website ( by 10 am Sunday mornings. I hope you will join us this week as we celebrate Palm Sunday.
Please consider mailing your tithes and offerings (820 Almshouse Rd., Ivyland 18974), or donate via our website or text giving (877-960-2396). Although we are forced to be on a hiatus from worship right now, our expenses are not on hiatus. Thank you for your generosity.
Pastor Janice
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974