Conversation with Tom Hardin - Tipper X
Once an up-and-coming star of the hedge fund industry, Tom Hardin's trajectory drastically changed with his 2015 sentence for insider trading. Forever branded with the scarlet letter, "F" for felon, he'll tell his cautionary tale. Tom Hardin will share his life leading up to his crimes, his rationalization of illegal decisions and a double life as an FBI informant.

Tom Hardin is "Tipper X," one of the FBI's key witnesses in "Operation Perfect Hedge." Operation Perfect Hedge was the largest insider trading investigation in 25 years and resulted in over 80 guilty pleas or convictions.
13 June 2018
5:15 PM Registration
6:00 PM Event Begins
We will begin promptly at 6:00 PM ; please arrive early. Since it is disruptive to everyone when latecomers enter the session, those arriving after the event has begun will only be admitted at the discretion of 100WF and the host. Please note the start time on this invite and plan to arrive early.
Networking reception will follow.
Grant Thornton
757 Third Avenue
9th Floor
New York , NY 10017
Tom Hardin
Tipper X
Grant Thornton
Women@GT BRG
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Tom Hardin
Founder, Tipper X

Tom Hardin previously spent much of his career as a long-short equity analyst focused on the technology sector. In 2008, as part of a cooperation agreement with the Department of Justice, Tom assisted the U.S. government in understanding how insider trading occurred in the hedge fund industry. Known as “Tipper X,” Tom became one of the most prolific informants in securities fraud history, helping to build over 20 of the 80+ individual criminal cases in “Operation Perfect Hedge,” a Wall Street house cleaning campaign that morphed into the largest insider trading investigation of a generation. Since resolving his case in 2015, Tom was invited by FBI-NYC to speak to their rookie agent class in 2016 and now consults and speaks on conduct risk, ethics and compliance issues from his former frontline perspective through his company Tipper X Advisors. He holds a B.S. in Economics with a Finance concentration from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Grant Thornton
Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd., one of the world's leading organizations of independent audit, tax and advisory firms. We help dynamic organizations unlock their potential for growth by providing meaningful, forward-looking advice. Our proactive teams, led by approachable partners, use insights, experience and instinct to understand complex issues faced by privately owned and publicly listed clients and help them to find solutions.

Grant Thornton has revenues in excess of $1.7 billion and operates in 59 offices. We have never been a typical professional services firm. We put people first, and that is what sets us apart. Our asset management team consists of national, regional and service line leaders with a wealth of technical experience to help clients around the globe. We know the asset management industry, and we will work with you to understand your business and your issues. Visit to learn more.
100 Women in Finance
100 Women in Finance is a global network of professionals in the finance and alternative investment industries working together to empower women at every stage of their careers. Through peer engagement, philanthropic, and educational initiatives, our more than 15,000 members are making connections and creating opportunities that help to advance careers and strengthen our field.
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