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In This Issue:

NRC-REMSA 2023 Exhibition

Washington Update

REMSA Member of the Month

REMSA Grassroots Program

Member & Industry News

New REMSA Member: Sentinel Chemicals

Upcoming Industry Events

AREMA 2022 Annual Conference & Expo

August 28-31, 2022


September 20-23, 2022

NRC Conference and NRC-REMSA Exhibition

January 4-7, 2023

Railway Interchange

October 1-4, 2023

Booth sales, registration & housing for the 2023 NRC Conference & NRC-REMSA Exhibition are now open!

The 2023 NRC-REMSA Exhibition will take place January 4-5, 2023 at the Boca Raton Resort in Boca Raton, FL, in conjunction with the 2023 NRC Conference, which will run January 4-7, 2023.

Booth reservations are filling up fast; reserve yours today!

For details, please visit the NRC-REMSA Exhibition page.

For questions regarding the NRC-REMSA Exhibition and reserving your booth, contact Heidi Baker at or (202)844-6126.

Conference registration is now open. For questions regarding the NRC Conference, registration, hotel, sponsorship, etc. please contact Mike McGonagle at or (202)975-0365.

Reserve Your Booth Now

Washington Update

On Friday, August 12 the House of Representatives voted on the Inflation Reduction Act (AKA Budget Reconciliation Bill) and approved it along a party line vote of 220-207. Following the House passage of the bill, on Tuesday, August 16 President Biden signed the bill into law. This follows the Senate passage of the same bill during a rare “Vote-a-Rama” on Sunday, August 7. This passed the senate 51-50, with the deciding vote cast by Vice President Harris.

The House formally introduced the STB reauthorization bill ahead of a potential markup next month. Please click here to view more information on the bill. This bill is not expected to pass, but the unfavorable rail labor language REMSA and industry partners have long opposed did not make it into the bill.

On July 28, the Senate released the FY 2023 appropriations. To see the Transportation-HUD bill text please click here. Additionally, to view an explanatory statement of the bill please click here. Below is a table of noteworthy FY23 appropriations: 

FY22 House

FY22 Senate

Omni FY22


Total FY22

House FY23

Senate FY23











FRA including Amtrak
















Fed-State SOGR Partnership








PRIME grants








Rail Restoration/Enhancement
















RRIF CRP Subsidy








Section 130 grade crossing set-aside








Grade crossing elimination






FTA New Starts








FTA Formula funds








WMATA Special Appropriation








Read the Washington Update on our website

Member of the Month

Lisa Roberts

Chief Growth Officer, Omaha Track

How did you get started in the rail industry?

I was born and raised in the Omaha area. After spending 9 ½ years in the finance industry in Arizona, I was ready to come back “home”. A friend who was working for Union Pacific Railroad told me I should meet with an individual she knew at Omaha Track, as they were a company that was very well respected by Union Pacific. I visited the facility on Friday, had a job offer by Monday, and was able to make the move back home, which has been one of the very best decisions I have ever made!

What do you love most about your job/the rail industry?

I love that no two days are the same. My position allows me the flexibility to meet and work with new people all the time. The rail industry has so many intricacies, I feel like there will always be an opportunity to learn or explore something new!

What is it like being a woman in a primarily male dominated industry? 

I jokingly (kind of) credit my ability to work in this industry as a result of having three (3) older brothers, and being the only girl in my family. In this industry, there are real champions that don’t just say that they support women, they actually put those words into action, and to those individuals I will be forever grateful. I do think a sense of humor and not taking things personally are keys to success for a woman in this industry.  

What do you find yourself doing most in your downtime? 

I typically spend my downtime hanging out with my husband, Ron, and our dog, Trapper (a 13 year old French Bulldog). Ron takes in cattle at his family ranch in the summertime, which is about 4 hours away from Omaha. Some weekends you will find us checking cattle, windmills, and fences (my cell phone doesn’t work on the ranch, so that can be a nice break). Otherwise, we like to get together with friends or family to BBQ, golf, or any other excuse we can find to hang out with those that we are closest to.

How do you define the “future” of rail? Where do you think the industry is headed?

I think the future of rail is bright as it is the most effective and safe way to move a lot of freight long distances. With new innovation throughout the industry on what seems like a daily basis, I see the industry becoming even more efficient. I do think there are always going to be ways that the industry as a whole can get better, but again, those are the opportunities that make this industry fun and exciting!

What do you enjoy most about being part of REMSA?

REMSA is an organization that brings together a lot of “key players” in the rail industry. This is very much a relationship business, so the opportunity to meet and network with these key players is integral to the success of individuals and companies in this industry. The trade shows, scholarships, awards, and networking opportunities are all reasons why Omaha Track supports REMSA.

Anything else you would like to add/share?

If I haven’t had the opportunity to meet you yet, you can usually find me at the trade shows. Please introduce yourself, I would love the opportunity to meet you and hear more about you and your company!


Interested in being featured in an upcoming Mainline and on REMSA's social media? REMSA is looking for members to feature as the member of the month! Whether you are a seasoned railroader or new to the industry, REMSA will share your story and recognize your company across our digital channels. Email Trade Shows & Marketing Manager Heidi Baker at to apply today.

REMSA Grassroots Program

REMSA's Grassroots Program connects our association's membership with members of Congress to host tours and site visits of company facilities and ongoing projects. It's a terrific way to showcase the positive impact that your company has in the local community, while also building strong personal relationships with your elected representatives. This program highlights REMSA members' products and services throughout the industry and to members of Congress, which helps to advance REMSA's legislative agenda in Washington.

If you are interested in hosting a grassroots event at your facility please reach out to Mike McGonagle at

Member News

REMSA member company Progress Rail featured in rail supplier news (Progressive Railroading)  

Mudge rejoins R.J. Corman's board (Progressive Railroading)

REMSA member company L.B. Foster featured in rail supplier news (Progressive Railroading)

Industry News

Congratulations to Progressive Railroading's 2022 Rising Stars

BNSF opens new Tacoma intermodal facility (Progressive Railroading)

Welcome New REMSA Member

REMSA welcomes new member Sentinel Chemicals

Sentinel Canada is a leading supplier of performance fluids and lubes, and industrial grade heat transfer fluids, lubricants, and industrial chemical products. Sentinel is dedicated to delivering the quality, innovation, and support you expect from a world-class market leader. Sentinel delivers customized products worldwide to its global customers.

Advertise with REMSA

Highlight your company with a banner or tile ad on the REMSA website and broaden your audience. Ads will appear at and run starting with three-month terms. REMSA members enjoy the member-rate to advertise. 

Learn more

Contact us

If you have any member news, industry tips, questions or comments, please share with us: 


Phone: (202) 844-6026

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