September 2019

Member News

Industry Events

Pacific Northwest Association of Rail Shippers Fall Meeting 
September 18-19, 2019

Railway Interchange 2019
September 22-25, 2019
Minneapolis, MN 

North East Association of Rail Shippers Fall Conference 
October 1-3, 2019
Burlington, Vermont 

Brazil Infrastructure Trade Mission
November 5-8, 2019
Brasilia & Sao Paulo, Brazil

RailTrends 2019 
November 21-22, 2019
New York, NY

Welcomes New Members:

Related image

In This Issue:

Washington Update:
Congress Returns to Washington as  the 
Short Line Tax Credit Reaches Historic Levels of Support

REMSA Member-of the-Month Spotlight

Amanda Patrick Appointed League of Railway Women (LRW) President and 2019-2021 Board Announced

REMSA Gets Social! Find us on Instagram at: remsa_rail

REMSA Grassroots Program
Park Construction Company 
Hosts Congressman Tom Emmer
Industry News

Chilean President Unveils $US 5bn Rail Investment Plan

U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Funds Gulf Coast Passenger-Rail Restoration

Virginia Higher-Speed Rail Project's Environmental Plan  Approved

Member News
Vossloh Tie Technologies Opens a Rail Products Manufacturing Facility in Monte Lake, British Columbia

Railway Interchange 2019 
September 22-25 in Minneapolis, MN
Registration Strong and Exhibit Space 99% Sold Out! 

Railway Interchange 2019 , North America's largest railway exhibition and technical conference, will be back in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA September 22-25. 

As an update, Registration is strong and exhibit space is 99% sold out!

Here's why you should register NOW:
  • Experience invaluable opportunities for networking and collaboration with nearly 9,000 rail industry professionals from around the globe
  • Technical sessions at the AREMA 2019 Annual Conference focus on increasing your knowledge, technical expertise and networking and provide a forum for exchanging ideas. You can earn up to 12.5 professional development hours.
  • Learn about the latest technology, products, services and research from 600+ exhibitors at both indoor and outdoor exhibits.
  • Class I and short line railroad employees and government employees are eligible for complimentary Expo passes.
With vital educational workshops and seminars, state of the art products, services and technology on view in the indoor and outdoor exhibition, as well as networking opportunities throughout  Railway Interchange  is THE place to meet railway industry representatives from around the world.



Any questions related to the exhibition can be directed to Urszula Soucie at (202) 715-2921 or

Opportunities for U.S. Rail Suppliers in Mexico
Monday, September 23 at Railway Interchange 2019

The Railway Engineering-Maintenance Suppliers Association (REMSA), the Railway Supply Institute (RSI), and the Railway Systems Suppliers, Inc. (RSSI) invite you to attend an exclusive briefing centered on business development opportunities for U.S. rail supply companies in Mexico, featuring senior representatives from the U.S. Commercial Service, the Mexican Association of Railroads, and the Export Import Bank of the United States.
This briefing takes place from 10:00AM to 11:30AM on Monday, September 23, in Room 101G of the Minneapolis Convention Center. Please contact Jacob Carter at  with any questions. 
The U.S. Commercial Service requires session attendees to register
and accept specific terms and conditions

WashingtonUpdateWashington Update
Congress Returns to Washington as the 
Short Line Tax Credit Reaches Historical Levels of Support

The long August recess is over, and lawmakers have returned to Washington with only a few weeks left to pass a government spending bill that avoids another shutdown on October 1. With only 36 legislative days left in 2019, Congress will focus much of its time on moving a series of appropriations bills for fiscal year 2020, likely requiring a continuing resolution before October that would keep spending negotiations ongoing until mid-November or early December.
Last week, representatives from the short line railroad industry gathered in Washington to urge members of Congress for immediate action on the short line tax credit, which has now been expired for 20 months. While congressional and presidential politics are making it increasingly difficult for any bill to pass into law, legislation that makes the short line tax credit permanent has reached historical levels of support with 60 cosponsors in the Senate and 271 in the House, the most cosponsors the tax credit has ever had in either chamber of Congress. And House Democratic Leadership recently acknowledged the importance of a tax extenders bill that includes the short line tax credit, featuring it in a recently released list of priorities for the remainder of 2019.
This week, the Senate Appropriations Committee will be marking up its transportation spending bill for 2020, providing a clearer picture on the future of transportation funding before negotiations with their counterparts in the House of Representatives. On September 24, the House Transportation & Infrastructure will hold a subcommittee hearing on opportunities and challenges facing commuter railroads. A list of witnesses has not been released yet but is expected to include Amtrak and a few commuter rail agencies across the country.
Finally, the railroad industry is closely monitoring a bill in the House requiring two people in the crew on all freight trains. Introduced by Congressman Don Young (R-Alaska), the bill ( H.R.1748 - Safe Freight Act of 2019) is slowly gaining steam with 106 cosponsors and would institute unnecessary regulations that disregard the freight rail industry's strong safety record.


If you are interested in learning more about REMSA's government affairs efforts, please reach out to Jacob Carter at .

NRCBooth Sales for the 2020 NRC-REMSA Exhibition  now Open! 
As a reminder, the exhibit will take place January 5-6, 2020 at the Hotel Del Coronado Resort & Spa in San Diego, CA in conjunction with the 2020 NRC Conference, which will run January 5-8, 2020. Please be aware that the exhibits will be located in a tent adjacent to the hotel property.  Please follow this link for the 2020 NRC-REMSA Exhibitor Terms & Conditions which includes show schedule, display guidelines, etc. For more information on exhibits, booth pricing, etc., please visit the NRC-REMSA 2020 Exhibition Welcome Page.
To register for a booth, CLICK HERE and login with your company password (same password as previous years). If you do not remember your password, you can retrieve your password on this page by clicking on "Forgot your password?" Please do not create a new company profile as this password is unique to your company and contains historical information relevant to your company. You may also share this password with anyone within your company to access your exhibitor portal. Your company's password will allow you to view an interactive floor plan and reserve a booth online. Please contact me if you have any issues with logging in or retrieving your company password.

Each 8'x10' exhibit space comes with one complimentary conference registration to the 2020 NRC Conference. All attendees of the exhibition must also be registered for the NRC conference.  Registration for the conference as well as the hotel block are now open. View the registration link here
For questions regarding the NRC/REMSA Exhibition and reserving your booth, please contact Urszula Soucie at or (202) 715-2921.
For questions regarding the NRC Conference, registration, hotel, sponsorship, etc. please contact Mike McGonagle at or (202) 975-0365.
For all other conference details, please visit the Full 2020 NRC Conference Page.

REMSA Member Spotlight 
Wayne O'Shell (ARVA Industries Inc.)


How did you get started in the rail industry?  
I come from a Railway Family (CN Rail - Great Lakes Region)...My Grandfather (Rules Instructor), Father (Roadmaster), 2 Brothers, one in Work Equipment and one in Signals & well as 2 Uncles who were conductors...1 became a Doctor). I worked 2 summers on the section-gang during Highschool... helped to clean up 2 derailments those 2 years. I started in Work Equipment for CN Rail as a helper & machine operator (they put me through a 4-year cooperative program at Centennial College as a Heavy Equipment Mechanic)

What do you love most about your job/the rail industry?
I have been very fortunate over my career to work with many talented people who have shared their knowledge and provided me mentorship in areas I never thought I would ever go.

I have worked on both the Railway side and the Supplier side, from CN Rail Work Equipment to PYKE Mfg. / NORDCO to ARVA Industries....The opportunities to grow and to learn is something I will always be grateful for.
I was asked recently which job I liked best....I thought for a moment and realized that each one of the roles I've had has prepared me for where I am to today....
What do you find yourself doing most in your downtime? Hobbies outside of work?

My greatest thrill is spending time with my 2 Grandchildren - Payton (6) and Parker (3)...they bring me so much joy and remind me how precious and wonderful life is.

I am still trying to Master the game of Golf....I love to walk & hike as often as I can....and when the opportunity allows...and it has over 100 time in the past 40 years....I love to attend a Barry Manilow concert......from Boston to Denver, and every town in between (You would have to listen to the song "It's a Miracle" to get that reference).

How do you define the "future" of rail? Where do you think the industry is headed? 
Although I am not one of the "Movers & Shakers" in the Industry, I see the future as being very strong and vital. Mentioned earlier were talented people in the industry, and I believe that the Industry is in good hands and has set itself up in such a way as to always have a solid plan of succession at the top.

I believe we will be seeing a growth in Short line and Regional Rail as well as strengthening their resolve to always make safety the number 1 priority.

Railroads will continue to be leaders in technology for transportation efficiency.

Anything else you would like to add/share?
The Railway offers many opportunities for growth and development....never shy away from raising your hand when your supervisor or manager has a task or project that needs doing...this is where you will gain the knowledge you need to advance and grow in the industry.

If you are attending Railway Interchange this September in Minneapolis, please take a moment to stop by our Booth #2260 and say hello.


Interested in being highlighted in the REMSA spotlight? Apply to become Member-of-Month. 

Contact Madeleine Stern, Membership & Marketing Manager to apply today at: or (202) 715-2919.

Image result for league of railway women amanda patrick  
The new leadership team will be introduced to members at the annual membership meeting on
Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Room 212 AB in the Minneapolis Convention Center during the LRW Annual Conference at Railway Interchange 2019
Congratulations to the new LRW Board of Directors:
President -  Amanda Trainor Patrick ; VP Trade Shows and Board Relations, Railway Supply Institute
Vice President - Sarah Yurasko; Assistant General Counsel, 
Association of American Railroads
Immediate Past President - Tanis Peterson; Senior Director, Operations and Regulatory Affairs,  Railway Association of Canada
Secretary - Susan Robertson; Managing Director, 
Virginia Rail Solutions LLC
Treasurer - Urszula Soucie, Chief Operating Officer,  REMSA
Parliamentarian - Madeleine Stern; Membership and Marketing Manager, REMSA
Awards Chair - Lisa Tackach; Business Development, 
Railroad Construction Company Inc.
Education Chair - Kari Gonzales; Vice President - Business Services and Chief Financial Officer,  Transportation Technology Center, Inc.
Events Chair - Janet Hoang; Sustainability Specialist,  CP
Membership Chair - Sheena Prevette; Corporate Quality Engineer, 
Union Tank Car Company
Public Relations & Outreach Chair - Emilia Marceta; Project Manager, Signals & Communications, Network Infrastructure,  Metrolinx
Scholarship Chair - Crystal Gitchell; Assistant Vice President, Legislative and Regulatory Policy, 
American Shortline and Regional Railroad Association
Director-at-Large - Michele Malski; Founder,  SPRING LLC
Director-at-Large - Erica Sander; PAC Manager, Federal/State Government Relations,  Trinity Industries

"As a leading professional organization for women in the rail industry, LRW continues to grow and provide value to its members. I am proud to work with these new board members, who reflect our membership's diversity of experience and industry knowledge. We're looking forward to our Annual Conference this month in Minneapolis at Railway Interchange, with topics and speakers of interest to our members. The board is excited to meet with our members and discuss fresh ideas for future programming. We are grateful to immediate past president Tanis Peterson and outgoing board members for their contributions."

-LRW President Amanda Patrick


For further information: Media Contact: Emilia Marceta, LRW Chair, Public Relations & Outreach, E-Mail:

InstagramREMSA Gets Social! Find us on Instagram at: remsa_rail 


Contact Madeleine Stern, Membership & Marketing Manager, with questions at: or (202) 715-2919.

Congressman Tom Emmer speaks with 
Park Construction Company President & CEO Jeff Carlson

REMSA Grassroots Program
 Park Construction Company 
Hosts Congressman Tom Emmer

On August 23, REMSA member Park Construction Company hosted Congressman Tom Emmer (R-Minnesota), who  serves as Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). As Chairman of the NRCC, Emmer is a member of the House Republican Leadership team and is spearheading their efforts to elect House Republicans in 2020. Congressman Emmer also serves in senior leadership roles as a member of the House Republican Deputy Whip Team and the House Republican Steering Committee.

"I was honored to join employees and community members at Park Construction," said Congressman Emmer. "They are a great example of a Minnesota job creator for generations. Companies like Park Construction demonstrate that infrastructure investments advance our economy and generate substantial growth. Congress can work together by passing bills like the BRACE Act, which would make the current short line tax credit permanent. This legislation is co-sponsored by every member of the Minnesota delegation, and showcases the importance of the rail industry for Minnesotans."

Park Construction provides a wide range of construction services including heavy earth moving, structural work, demolition and paving. The company has a rich history of working with the nation's largest railway companies on a comprehensive range of projects, including planning, designing and constructing new lines; furnishing and installing new drainage structures; repairing existing bridges; constructing new bridges and repairing and rehabilitating existing tracks. Their ability to execute on complex railroad jobs while staying within budget, scope and timeline has earned them an exceptional reputation within the railroad industry. Park Construction is a trusted contractor for commercial, municipal, industrial, railroad and federal agencies across the United States.


Are you interested in growing your network and highlighting your products and services to the rail industry?  Please contact Jacob Carter at  or (202) 715-2917 to get started.

IndustryNEWSIndustry News

CN Canadian National Railway to acquire CSX Line in New York
Canadian National announced the signing of an agreement that will see CN acquire the Massena rail line from CSX, which represents more than 220 miles of track between Valleyfield (Quebec), in Canada, and Woodard (New York), in the U.S. The Massena rail line also serves many cities in the province of Quebec, including Beauharnois and Huntingdon, and in the state of New York, including Massena, Norwood, Potsdam, and Gouverneur. (Railway Age)

ChileChilean President Unveils $US 5bn Rail Investment Plan
Chile on Rails will fund 25 projects with the aim of tripling passenger numbers to 150 million and doubling freight volumes to 21 million tonnes by 2027. "The train will not only be part of the daily life of Chileans, but part of the economic life of our country," Chile's president Mr Sebastián Piñera said. (International Railway Journal) 

The  FRA announced more than $272 million in grant funding to 10 rail projects through the department's State of Good Repair Program. The grants will help 10 states pay for projects that will help to repair and rehabilitate railroad infrastructure, FRA officials said in a press release. See article for full list of projects and grant amounts. (Progressive Railroading)

NS will partner with the popular traffic app to provide safety tips. Norfolk Southern said it's committed to cutting down on the number of crashes involving trains and passenger vehicles. See more and the video here at ( 

PennDOT Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Seeks Applicants for Multimodal Grants
PennDOT is now accepting  multimodal transportation fund  (MTF) applications to help pay for improvements to railroads, transit facilities, roadways, bridges, park and ride facilities, and other transportation infrastructure in the state."The MTF creates opportunities for local projects that may have otherwise had difficulty moving forward. Transportation improvements help keep goods and people moving throughout Pennsylvania," said PennDOT Secretary Leslie Richards. (Progressive Railroading) 

The USDOT yesterday announced a $4.36 million grant to the Southern Rail Commission (SRC) to help restore passenger rail service along parts of the Gulf Coast.The award, which will be granted through the federal Restoration and Enhancement (R&E) program, will help fund operating expenses for the first year of service along the new rail line between New Orleans and Mobile, Alabama, SRC officials said in a press release. (Progressive Railroading) 

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has signed off on the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed higher-speed intercity passenger-rail project between the District of Columbia and Richmond, Virginia, the state's Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) announced.The project is aimed at increasing passenger train speed and capacity parallel to the congested Interstate 95 corridor, as well as accommodating future freight-rail growth opportunities at the Port of Virginia in Norfolk, officials said.(Progressive Railroading) 

MemberNEws Member News

Geopier Geopier Foundation Co. has launched a new intermediate foundation solution
Geopier Foundation Co.  has launched a new intermediate foundation solution to stabilize weak track subgrades without the need to remove track, ties or ballast. The GeoSpike system is made of a set of polymer shells designed to be installed between ties. When rail cars pass over the system, energy is transferred through the GeoSpike down to a stronger bearing layer, creating greater support capacity and settlement control, Geopier officials said in a press release. (Progressive Railroading) 

LBFoster2 LB Foster Company Makes Changes to its Global Rail Team
Rail infrastructure company L.B. Foster recently announced a slew of changes to its global Rail team. Most notably, Greg Lippard is now Vice President - Rail. In addition to retaining Rail Distribution, Allegheny Rail Products (ARP) and Transit Products P&L responsibilities and all North American sales responsibilities, Lippard will add P&L responsibilities for the company's global Friction Management business and R&D and engineering activities. See all of the corporate changes here.   (Railway Age)

RailPros2RailPros Names Muallem Vice President and Inland Empire Area Manager
Basem Muallem, P.E., a Caltrans veteran, has joined RailPros as Vice President and Inland Empire Area Manager and statewide Transportation Lead for California. "We are pleased to welcome Basem to the RailPros Team. He brings a wealth of transportation knowledge to our expanding nationwide practice. His professional background, energy and can-do attitude aligns well with RailPros' values. We are looking forward to Basem exercising his considerable skills in the service of our clients," said Ken Koff, RailPros President and CEO. (Railway Age) 

RailWorks Corp. signed a five-year contract with the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority to inspect and maintain more than 65 miles of freight-rail track in Southern California. The track segment includes 125 turnouts, 10 bridges, signals at 48 locations, seven grade crossings and 50 other communications assets, RailWorks officials said in a press release.  (Progressive Railroading) 

RJCorman R. J. Corman to Operate Alabama Short Line
R. J. Corman Railroad Co.  announced today it has finalized a long-term agreement to lease and operate a short line from the City of Childersburg Local Redevelopment Authority,  CSX  and  Norfolk Southern Railway.   "We are looking forward to growing the relationships with current and future industries on the Childersburg Line as well as being a member of the local community,"  said Ed Quinn, president and chief executive officer of R. J. Corman Railroad Group LLC. (Progressive Railroading) 

Most recently, Siedl led site development and process optimization. Prior to joining the company, he was managing director of ROBEL Bahnbaumaschinen GmbH in Germany. Budenbender previously held management positions in various companies in the technical sector, Plasser & Theurer officials said in a press release.  (Progressive Railroading) 

The facility is designed to produce 100,000 to 350,000 concrete ties annually, and expands the company's production capacity for Canadian industrial and transit-rail customers nationwide, Vossloh officials said in a press release. (Progressive Railroading)