Life Science Nation Newsletter  | July 27,  2017  |  Issue 224

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Consulting
Life Science Investor Mandates (July 19  - July 26)
Looks Worldwide for Phase II Biotech Opportunities
Interested in Early Stage Life Science, Focused on CNS Drugs
Invests in New Drugs from Discovery to Preclinical Stage
Invests in Diagnostics and Imaging
In This Issue
Nature BioEntrepreneur Features LSN: Aligning Needs
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LSN Videos
By Lucy Parkinson, Director of Research, LSN

RESI aims to represent a diversity of investment sources for early stage life science companies, beyond traditional venture capital firms and other investors with short-term horizons and, primarily financial aims. It's therefore fitting that our first RESI Boston panel announcement is the RESI Venture Philanthropy panel. LSN has confirmed five speakers from disease-focused venture capital funds, each of which invests with the primary aim of bringing new treatments to patients in their focus indication area.

The unique outlook of venture philanthropy investors means that each fund has created a distinct strategy for moving new inventions towards patients. They typically have deep domain expertise at their disposal, and many focus on assets at an earlier stage than typical VCs, with the aim of helping new treatments cross over biotech's infamous 'Valley of Death'. In this panel, these investors will explain their unique strategies and expertise, and entrepreneurs can learn how to find and work with a venture philanthropy investor in their domain. The participants are:
  • David Sandak, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Research, Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure
  • Gerard Honig, Translational Research Manager, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation
  • Maya Merrell, Director, Business and Partnership Development, Fast Forward, LLC (National MS Society)
  • Christopher de Souza, PhD, Director, Broadview Ventures
  • Lauren Friedman, Associate Scientific Director, Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation
A Field Guide to an Introductory Investor Meeting
By Michael Quigley, VP of Investor Research, LSN

For early stage and especially for pre-revenue companies, introductory meetings with investors are one of most critical situations that entrepreneurs face. Saying it is important to prepare is an understatement. With this article I aim to provide guidance on what exactly entrepreneurs should understand about a prospective investor before they begin a meeting, the questions they should be asking in the meeting, and how to use that information to guide the conversation and prioritize leads.

The world of life science and healthcare technology is large and differentiated, and so are the investors that allocate to the sector. There are several defining characteristics of a company in this space that ideally should match with what an investor has interest/experience in. It's important to research an investor's focus areas in the life science and healthcare space, and understand their outlook as best as possible prior to a meeting...

By James Huang, Research Analyst, LSN

In 1988, Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park opened for operations. Ever since, science parks have become a go to strategy for Chinese cities who wish to develop specific technology industries. Science parks are zones containing various high-tech facilities such as labs, housing, medical facilities, etc. that are being built by the Chinese government to encourage the development of technology and industry.

At present, many new science parks are popping up in smaller cities across China. These institutions are looking for companies to move into their facilities. In fact, several of these science parks such as the Chengdu Tianfu International Bio-Town have been holding events in the USA to gauge how willing U.S. life science startups are to relocate to their new facilities in China. This poses the question then of whether relocating or opening a subsidiary would be worthwhile for a U.S. based life science company...