Life Science Nation Newsletter | October 25, 2018 | Issue 289

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Consulting
  Life Science Investor Mandates  (Oct. 18 - Oct. 24 )
Invests Up to $10M in First-In-Class Therapeutics and AI-Based Technologies
Invests in Early-Stage Healthcare Companies, with Strong Interests in Digital Health, Informatics, Novel Therapeutics
Focuses on USA Companies Working on Technologies that Enhance Human Experience & Well-Being
Focuses Investments on Medical Devices, Therapeutics, and Diagnostics Companies Looking to Expand to the China Market
LSN Services
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By Karen Deyo, Investor Research Analyst, LSN

With RESI NYC just around the corner, we at LSN are excited to announce the finalists for the Tech Hub Pitch Challenge. These 8 companies, constituents of Tech Hubs located in New York and the surrounding states, have been selected to pitch to a panel of investors. Each company will have 5 minutes to pitch followed by a Q&A session including feedback from the investors.

The Pitch Challenge will be moderated by Dennis Ford, CEO & Founder, Life Science Nation. The investor panelists are:
  • Barbara Schilberg, CEO, BioAdvance
  • Steve Saheb, Associate, Brace Pharma Capital
  • Rena Rosenberg, Partner, Robin Hood Ventures
  • Nishant Rastogi, Senior Associate, New Rhein Healthcare
  • Merom Klein, Entrepreneur Mentor, Keiretsu Forum

Tech Hub Pitch Challenge Finalists

By Claire Jeong, Senior Research Analyst, LSN

It is evident that the amount of cross-border investments in life sciences companies are only continuing to increase with time. An increasing number of investors and pharmaceuticals are actively searching for investment, licensing, and other partnering opportunities, but for many entrepreneurs it is still challenging to get in front of such groups. Currently, the LSN Investor Platform tracks 388 active investors who are headquartered in Asia, with the numbers hovering over 400 when including groups that have set up main offices outside of Asia (i.e. USA or Europe). 

For several years, each RESI Conference has been dedicating at least one panel to showcase investors who are based in Asia or have a significant footprint in Asia...

This session will be moderated by Jean Yao, Founder & Managing Partner, Med Qiao Group LLC, and our panelists for this session are:
By Lucy Parkinson, VP of Investor Research, LSN

Many of us in the biotech world are already planning out our time at the annual San Francisco conference week in January, and early stage investors are no exception. Many have already put their names down for RESI San Francisco - which is no surprise, as over 500 investors registered for this event in 2018! See below for some of the investors who will be coming to the 2019 event.  

LSN held our first RESI San Francisco event in 2015. Previously, LSN staff had attended San Francisco's annual healthcare week and noticed that the events there all focused on later-stage companies and the public biotech markets; there was no real, focused venue for early stage startups and early stage investors to meet...


As of October 25th, 2018

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