The RESPECT of Florida e-Newsletter
November 2019

RESPECT of Florida is the central non-profit agency for the State of Florida that helps employ about 1,200 Floridians with disabilities through the production of commodities and contractual services that are sold to government entities. If you would like to learn more about us or browse our catalog, visit us at:

A Message from RESPECT of Florida
Studies have shown that people who make a habit of practicing gratitude are overall happier and more optimistic than those who are more focused on irritations or negativity.
There are many ways people can cultivate a gratitude mindset in their lives. Gratitude helps us refocus on the things we have instead of the things we lack. It is thankful appreciation and an acknowledgement of goodness in our lives.
At RESPECT, we are thankful for our customer, partners, and the workers with disabilities that staff our contracts. Each of you have enriched our daily lives in some way through your commitment to employing Floridians with disabilities and championing Florida-based business.
Thank you for all you do! 

Stop the Bleed Kits
Public safety is an important issue that requires careful planning for prevention and well-equipped preparedness if a crisis situation were to occur.  
Our hope is that no one ever needs to use a Stop the Bleed kit, however, having the contents on hand could save people's lives.
Blood loss is the most common and preventable cause of an active shooting fatality. These kits are intended to be used by trained employees or the general public while waiting for police and emergency responders. The contents of the kits RESPECT of Florida currently offers are:
  • (1) Trauma Bag
  • (2) Combat Application Tourniquets
  • (2) Paramedic Scissors
  • (6) Israeli Bandages
  • (24) 5 in. x 9 in. Trauma Pads
  • (10 Pairs) Nitrile Gloves
  • (10) Blood Stopper Trauma Dressing
  • (6) Kerlix 4.5 in. x 4.1 yd. Sterile Bandage Roll
If these specifications do not meet your needs, RESPECT staff is happy to work with your agency to design a kit that will meet your agency's unique needs.
More information on the kits and refill items can be found on RESPECT's Procurement List.
Please direct any questions about the kit to RESPECT Commodities Manager Monique Gustafson at [email protected]
or by phone at (850) 942-3556. 

NEW -Commodity of the Month
RESPECT of Florida recently added about 20 new 3M wraps and tape products to its Medical and Dental supplies.
The 3M wraps and tapes have many uses including securing dressings, tubing, protecting wound sites, and immobilizing injuries.  

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Florida Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez Champions Employment of Individuals with Disabilities 
Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez joined with RESPECT of Florida partners on November 22, to showcase employment opportunities for Floridians with disabilities.
Hosted by Goodwill Industries of South Florida in Miami, the event    featured a performance by the Spirit of Goodwill Band and discussion between Lieutenant Governor Nuñez, Department of Management Services (DMS) Secretary Jonathan Satter, and RESPECT of Florida. The event highlighted the RESPECT program which is administered by the Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities via a contractual relationship with DMS. RESPECT works with state government customers on commodity and service contracts to provide critical employment for people with disabilities in Florida. The program is authorized by Florida Statute (Sections 413.032-413.037.)
Goodwill Industries of South Florida is a RESPECT partner agency and is the 17th largest employer in South Florida who serves the community by providing people with disabilities and other barriers an opportunity to enter the workforce. Lieutenant Governor Nuñez met several individuals with disabilities who make American flags during her tour.
Nuñez stated: "RESPECT is a program to be championed and supported by all our state and local government agencies because through governmental entity purchasing, Floridians with disabilities are given the opportunity to learn new skills that can be utilized in competitive jobs and thereby enhance their opportunities to live the American Dream."
RESPECT of Florida has been an industry leader that has helped   Floridians with disabilities find jobs and learn new job skills for 45 years. This year alone, through the partnerships with a network of about 50 nonprofit agencies statewide, RESPECT has helped employ 1200+ people with disabilities. Through these partnerships, RESPECT has built a program that benefits communities and families throughout Florida. 
Florida ARF President and CEO Suzanne Sewell said, "We are delighted and honored that Lieutenant Governor Nuñez and Secretary Satter see the value of the RESPECT program and know that governmental entity purchasing literally creates jobs for individuals with significant disabilities through one purchase at a time. Thank you Lieutenant Governor  Nuñez and Secretary Satter for your support!"
RESPECT Holiday Hours 

The RESPECT of Florida office will be closed on November 28 and 29 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.  
Our office will reopen Monday, December 2, at 8:00am.  
As we approach Christmas, please keep in mind that many of our partners are closed the entire week of Christmas, and commodity orders received the week of Christmas may not be shipped until partners return to work the following week.
The RESPECT office will be closed on December 24 and 25 for the Christmas holiday and will resume normal business hours on December 26.
RESPECT staff is happy to help with any questions or concerns about shipping during the holiday season. Please contact [email protected] for assistance. 
RESPECT Hosts Partnership Meeting for New Dept. of Transportation Contract  

On October 23, RESPECT of Florida hosted a Partnership Meeting to officially kick-off a new, seven year contract with Florida Department of Transportation and Asset Maintenance company, DBI. The new contract begins on December 1, 2019.  A Partnership Meeting was coordinated to ensure all partners are on the same page with the scope of services and that RESPECT partner Employment Centers are trained and ready to provide top-notch services at the start of the contract.  
In attendance were contract managers, directors, and supervisors  from RESPECT partners working on the contract: SMA Healthcare, Arc Big Bend, Arc Nassau, Arc North Florida, and CARC and the DBI Project Manager Brian Slanker.
The meeting covered important topics like how the DOT handbook applies to the contract's scope, new protocols for inspections, how to report issues, log books, and much more.
RESPECT Contract Manager Julie Wolfe led the meeting. Beyond being an educational event, the meeting was a perfect opportunity for all the partners to come together and catch up with each other informally.
RESPECT and its partners are looking forward to continuing a wonderful partnership with DOT on this contract and providing great services at the rest areas in this district. 
In Case You Have Not Heard - The Perfect Job Does Not Exist       
Program Director, Dayna Lenk, SHRM-SCP 
Surprise! In case you have not heard, there is no such thing as the perfect job. You have heard the saying "every rose has its thorn," well every job has at least one undesirable task (if not more) that must be performed while holding your nose and gritting your teeth. This goes for the janitor all the way to the CEO; every job has a downside.
So many people are holding out for the one perfect job, the job that will solve all their problems. They imagine that when they land this perfect job, all their difficulties and dreaded tasks will vanish. Finally, they will no longer have problems with their boss, they will earn what they deserve, and will finally get to use their potential doing something that gives them joy. They imagine that the ideal job will give them a sense of purpose and belonging that they have never been able to attain previously. So, what is wrong with seeking that job where you will find total satisfaction and meaning? Only one thing; you most likely will never find it, and even worse you will never allow yourself to feel passionate about the job you are in because you consider it to be less than ideal.
Your family, friends, Facebook acquaintances, and those people you meet at work events do not have perfect jobs like you think they do. They all probably had career goals that went unfulfilled. What they do have is a mindset that allows them to make their job as perfect as possible, and you can do the same with these tips.
Passion Does Not Pay Your Bills
The adage "if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life," has resulted in a lot of disappointment and numerous failed businesses. Passion is not something you can follow and expect a payday. Passion follows you as you put in the hard work. Too often people confuse hobbies and pastimes with career passions. For any venture to be successful, the market must have a willingness and ability to pay for what you are offering. You can continue to love your hobbies, just love them in your spare time.
Aiming to do something you enjoy for the rest of your life is not a bad idea, but it is important to have a plan. The plan can incorporate your current job as a stepping stone into a more fulfilling career, but if you do not commit yourself and enjoy your current job, you are wasting your time and prohibiting others from noticing your talents and potentially missing opportunities that might be presented to you.
Build Your Skills
Even if you do not love your job, it can be an amazing opportunity to learn and develop as a professional. Every role can be a launching point to a fulfilling career. Do not miss out on opportunities to expand your knowledge base and increase your value. Learn all you can through careful and thoughtful observation. Start speaking up in meetings; ask questions, give feedback; stay organized; and make yourself a valued and helpful problem solver for your team.
Volunteer to take on new tasks that excite you and never pass up an opportunity to take training. You may not love your job, but it could become a learning laboratory for growth and insight that might take you on to bigger and better jobs.
Do not Believe the Hype
What you see on social media and hear in conversations about your friends' careers is an edited version of their lives. Most people do not brag about long work hours, grouchy customers, long commutes, lack of benefits, and no room for advancement.
Instead, do what your friends and colleagues are doing, promote the things you do enjoy in your career. Think about what went right for you this week. Tell someone about it! Embrace the positive rather than wallowing in envy. You will never be happy if you are always comparing yourself to a false ideal.
Hang Out with the Positive Crowd
Surround yourself with positive people. You cannot ignore the negative people at work, and you cannot refuse to associate with them. You can strategically align yourself with optimistic and uplifting people in the company and minimize time with the office nay-sayers. When you get assigned a project with the office complainer, figure out how to work collaboratively with them to get the project done, but do not hang out with them for a complaint fest after the project wraps up. Spend as much time as possible networking and befriending people who have good attitudes and passion for their work. This will allow their optimism to rub off on you, and that will give you an entirely new perspective of your job.
Each Job is a Valuable Stepping Stone
Jobs that do not meet your expectations are not a waste of time. Often employees who are not satisfied with their job will not put in their best effort and that is a mistake. Every job builds a good foundation for a job in the future. Even when you dislike your job, it may be worthwhile for the value it brings. Try to look at your situation objectively. The job may provide valuable skills you will use down the road, maybe you work around powerful people that may be able to help you in the future, or you are able to make contacts in your industry that will open doors to a new job. Every experience in the work force will teach a valuable lesson, do not waste those chances just because you hated your job.
Take Control of Your Job
We all bring different weaknesses, strengths, skill sets, and viewpoints to our position. There are many ways to perform a job and no two people will perform a role in the same way. When you can, try to shape and modify your job to be able to take advantage of your unique abilities. Do not assume you are limited to the duties you are assigned. Look for opportunities to do something you would enjoy, that would also help your company. Develop a proposal and suggest it to your boss. Maybe no one else has considered that option or has expressed an interest in it.
Instead of searching for the perfect job, look for ways to make your job as perfect as possible. That does not mean you have to spend the next decade in your position or pretend you love everything about it. You can decide you will take control over your career path and make the best of the job you have while you have it. When you do, you will be happier, more productive, and enthusiastic to contribute above and beyond your job description; which will open doors for you. And before you know it, you will be climbing the career ladder and discovering opportunities you could not have imagined.
The information contained in this article is intended to provide useful information on the topic covered, but should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion.