Do you want to receive RESET Challenge emails from the Lancaster Family YMCA? Reply to this email and let us know!
This week's theme is RESTORED

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”

– Buddha

The RESET Challenge may be over, but your commitment to healthy living continues!

You've learned a lot in 6 weeks, made lifestyle changes and developed a commitment to be well. KEEP GOING!

  • Keep or find a new accountability partner
  • Revise your goals and stick with them 6 weeks at a time; then revise and continue another 6 weeks
  • Eat well: the colors of the rainbow, whole foods, water and avoid preservatives and sugar
  • Move every day! Be active 30 minutes each day: walk, dance, take a class, ride bikes, run, climb, swim ... The list is endless!
  • Play, laugh and have fun. Play with your kids or grandkids, connect in fun with adult friends, read a daily joke and share it with others.
  • Invest in yourself and in others. Give your time, talent or treasure to help others in need.

To help you with your continued journey, the Y is offering the following opportunities. In addition, we will continue our RESET emails for the next 4 Mondays. Our intention is to help you remain commited to your goals and remind you that we are here to help!
Help us get STRONGER!

Complete our 1-2 minute survey by clicking the link below.

PS - You will be in the running to win a great prize!
Hear from our team!
Did you know that Yoga not only stretches tight mucles, and strengthens weak ones, but is also helps us get rid of toxins in the body?

When you twist and go into deep stretches, your muscles release toxins that have been "hiding' in your body. These toxins are released into the blood and into the air that you exhale.

Practice yoga with Jana, and get rid of the "stuff" that isn't serving you well!
Music to Motivate!


Our Bob Hoffman Dover staff mpulled together their favorite "happy" and motivational songs for you.


by Erika Helwig, Wellness Coordinator,
Bob Hoffman Dover and York Branch YMCAs

Luke 15:11-32 KJV

"But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.”


We've been honored to have Stewart Companies as our sponsor during this challenge.
Stewart Companies has restored countless places over the years so we're proud to have them on our journey to RESTORE our health!