RETURN of the Gods- Pt. 2

Wrestle against This CURRENT DARKNESS!

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

Think of a glass of water; does it belong to you? Have you ever had the power to create one drop of water? The water belongs to the universe. The water and the air do not belong to evil or self-centered persons; they belong to the universe and to those of universal purpose. What about sunlight? Are the sun rays yours? They are in a universal position. If you are centered only upon yourself and you breathe this air and dominate nature for your own enjoyment, all these things will abhor being subjugated by you. SMM, Who Was I? March 13, 1977        

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started Sunday’s sermon by explaining that within 10 years of Hak Ja Han’s betrayal, the judgment came through a worldwide pandemic and Japanese government seeking to shut down the FFWPU. 

He spoke again about Jonathan Cahn's new book, Return of the Gods. Cahn argues that America is inviting back the pagan gods of Moloch and Asherah in its promotion of transgenderism.

Second wave feminism encouraged women to abandon marriage as an oppressive, patriarchal institution. In Matthew 19, Jesus said “did you not know that in the beginning, God made them male and female. The man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.” The fires of sexuality should take place only in the fireplace of marriage.

In the ancient pagan world, selling your children to the state was normal, but Jesus taught about the importance of protecting children. If we look at history we can see a long struggle to detach the West from pagan practices such as infanticide and selling children into temple prostitution.

For many centuries the West largely benefited from the freedoms achieved by rejecting anti-God pagan practices, but we are now observing the re-paganization of the West.

Recently there have been videos of women expressing pride about destroying their unborn children as a way to ensure that their pursuit of a career and free lifestyle were not impeded. In the ancient world the practice of child sacrifice was accepted as an offering to the “gods” to ensure prosperity and victory in battle. Ancient nature religions, long thought dead by many, are reemerging across Western nations. 

In modern America, transgenders are portrayed as heroes. He showed a news article about a man dressed as a woman who won beauty pageant in New Hampshire. The real women who lost to him seen in the background, are forced to smile and clap.

Gay pride parades in the U.S. are modeled on the 1969 Stonewell Inn Riot. U.S. embassies all over the world are flying the rainbow flag. The United States of America is now known all over the world for promoting the gay agenda.

In recent weeks Hyung Jin Nim asked us to pray for China to have internal divisions. We now see protests and riots in China, which reduce the likelihood of war with the West. As the darkness gets darker, the light becomes brighter. Evil cannot stop God.


I had no intention of publishing a book even though True Father told us we should write a book of our lives. I never thought of what I could possibly write to inspire others. Going over all the speeches I had of Father's one day, of which I had highlighted, I decided to save those excerpts in Word Writer Document. It was then that it came to me that I could put together a book of those words from which I got the most inspiration during my life of faith. I figured that anyone who saw the subtitle "What The Messiah Spoke About During His 2nd Advent" and didn't know who Father was would peak their curiosity and could be introduced to him in this way that might be an inspiration to them and lead them to the Divine Principle.

by Melik Patchadjian, Author.

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by William Brunhofer

Called an “excellent apologetic for the 2nd Amendment” and “handbook for dealing with some big mistakes people make when talking about this Amendment, self-defense and limiting the power of government,” Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, urges citizens to read the “Rod of Iron Kingdom” by Pastor Hyung Jin Sean Moon. For, as we have witnessed again and again, most tragically in school shootings, such as the Parkland, FL mass shooting described in this book, we cannot rely on mere local, state, and federal law enforcement nor politicians, schoolteachers, and or administrators to protect our children and communities from evil. 

And what we also find here is a plea to reacquire the Judeo-Christian principles inscribed within the founding documents of the nation, designed to protect freedoms and liberties of the American citizen. And in the spirit of the ‘Black Robed Ministers’ of the pre-Revolutionary War within the original 13 colonies - who led many of the first militias in this country which defended Lexington and Concord - Pastor Moon takes up the cause of also defending the natural God-given rights of all Americans under attack today from the radical Left. 

First, Pastor Moon analyzes the ‘Civil War’ in America, as a battle where the “existence and authority of a Supreme Being, God, stands against a belief in an ‘enlightened’ class of ‘experts,’” who compete at the local, state, national, and global levels, too. In this analysis, he sees a small cast of self-described experts usher in this era of “Left-Administrative Branches threatening the democratic consensus of the people, and the very foundation and fabric of this Republic.” And, what can happen when “people replace faith in God with secular ideology,” he points to the estimated 150 million civilians who were killed by their own governments in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, Cambodia, Turkey, etc. during the 20th Century alone. In all these nations, the citizens were disarmed, leaving them largely defenseless against these mass murders.

(Read rest of Rod of Iron Kingdom book review)


Rod of Iron KINGDOM

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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