Coordinated Behavioral Care
Featured June 2022 Webinars
CBC would like to recognize the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for sponsoring all featured trainings this month.
All featured trainings are hosted via McSilver Institute's website and require a username and password to register. If you don't already have a username and password for McSilver's website, you can easily create one!
Promoting Positive Health Outcomes for Members Living With HIV/AIDS
(Visiting Nurse Service of New York)
Thursday, June 2 (10-11am)
Funder: SAMHSA
Health Home care coordination can be a vital service supporting people living with HIV/AIDS and this training will review Managed Care Plans' best practice approaches for care management staff identifying and closing gaps in care for Health Home members with HIV/AIDS diagnoses. Attendees will learn effective communication strategies to navigate tough conversations involving HIV risk and treatment and common mental health issues affecting members living with HIV/AIDS. All care management staff are encouraged to attend—especially those serving Health Home Plus members or other high-risk clients.
"I especially appreciated how well the trainers integrated equity, social justice and anti-racism."
~ 'Supporting Communities through Crisis' Attendee
Health Home Verification of Eligibility
Friday, June 3 (10-11am)
Funder: SAMHSA
This training will provide an overview of Health Home eligibility criteria and documentation requirements. Participants will be introduced to the recent addition of sickle cell disease as a single qualifying condition for Health Homes and review eligibility criteria for adult specialized population Health Home Plus. All Health Home Serving Adult and Children care management staff are welcome to attend.
Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Wednesday, June 8 (1:30-3pm)
Funder: SAMHSA
This webinar will provide an overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)—an evidence-based approach developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan. While attendees will not be sufficiently trained to provide DBT after this training, they will leave with a clear sense of what DBT is, its uses and how it can benefit service recipients. The training will look at DBT from both the provider perspective—as presented by CBC Medical Director Dr. Bianca Nguyen, and also from the service recipient's perspective—as presented by CBC Training Institute Director Emily Grossman.
"This was a phenomenal, incredible presentation. So helpful and very informative!" ~ 'Borderline Personality Disorder' Attendee
*Same Registration Link
Helping Your Clients Go After Their Dreams
CORRECTED: Monday, June 13 (10:30am-12pm)
Funder: SAMHSA
Many times, the behavioral health system focuses on helping clients to accomplish goals that are very “cookie cutter” and prescriptive. For example, a goal may be: “client will adhere to medication.” While goals like this can sometimes be helpful to clients, they overlook the larger goal of helping a client to achieve a “life worth living.” This webinar will explore other dimensions in which clients can thrive and go after their dreams. It will focus in on vocational goals and relationship goals, helping clients to find a meaningful career, meaningful relationships, and a life partner, should those goals be important to them.
"I will be teaching what I learned from 'Self-Care for Addressing Trauma' to my employee wellness committee as well as my clients." ~ Service Program for Older People Attendee
Person-Centered Care Planning
Tuesday, June 14 (1:30pm-2:30pm)
(This was Rescheduled from 5/26)
The Plan of Care is required for all Health Home members and is a key component of Health Home documentation and service provision. In this training, we will review the fundamentals of developing a comprehensive and person-centered Plan of Care. We will discuss DOH requirements for the Plan of Care as well as strategies and best practices for working collaboratively with members on Plan of Care creation and goals.
"Choice & Voice" Engaging Clients in Shared Decision-Making
Around Medication & Treatment
Thursday, June 16 (2:30-4pm)
Funder: SAMHSA
How should non-prescribers talk about medications with clients? From the common effects of prescribed medications to more general discussions pertaining to client preferences and perceptions of efficacy, the answer isn't always so clear. This training will explore the various types and names of the most commonly used psychotropic medications and what they do, and share ways that participants can use "Shared Decision-Making" as a framework to discuss medication use and treatment with clients. Finally, the training will explore barriers and aids that may inhibit or support adherence to treatment.
“This is one of the best mental health webinars I've seen, and the clinical experience of the presenter really shines through." ~ 'Effective Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder' Training Attendee
Please click the button below to see our full training calendar, along with training descriptions. Reserve your space for some professional development and self-care today!
Coordinated Behavioral Care
55 Broadway, New York
NY 10006