Port News & Updates
July 2018
2019 Calendar Contest Deadline Extended to August 31!
There is still time for your young artist friends and loved ones to submit their artwork! Calling all 7-8 years olds who live in Redwood City. Share your waterfront experience with the Port through artwork and get a chance to see your work on the Port of Redwood City’s calendar! The deadline for entries is August 31.
Go here for more details.
Save the Date for PortFest!
Save the date! PortFest is coming up on the first Saturday of October or October 6. Learn about the maritime heritage of the Port, the industrial working waterfront, and enjoy recreational activities on the San Francisco Bay. The day will include live music from LiveWire and Phil 'n the Blanks, children’s activities, food trucks and booths, and more.
Be sure to check out the PortFest website to get all of the event details. Interested event attendees, sponsors, and vendors can learn more at www.rwcportfest.com .
Welcome Kristine!
Newly appointed Executive Director, Kristine A. Zortman, will begin her new role with the Port on Monday, July 23. Please join us in congratulating and welcoming her!

To learn more about Kristine's appointment, go here .
Port Begins New Fiscal Year 2018-2019 With Positive Outlook Ahead
The Port’s 2018-2019 Fiscal Year (FY) budget was adopted by the Port Commission and began on July 1.The budget is based on an estimated 2,234,000 metric tons of cargo crossing Port docks, primarily composed of construction sand and aggregates imported from Canada and recycled scrap metal exported primarily to Asia.

The Port of Redwood City’s projected Operating Revenue for FY 2018-19 is $8.6 million of which, $6.4 million or 74% is generated by maritime operations. The project revenue is a result of increased tonnage that will be transported through the Port, general rate increases for wharfage, dockage and services and, renewed lease agreements with Port’s major customers, including Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC (CEMEX) and Sims Group USA Corporation (SimsMetal). The Port’s Operating revenue also includes $0.6 million in revenue from Recreational Boating. This projected revenue is based on a 10% vacancy factor at Port related facilities and a 2% increase in berthing rates. 

The Port of Redwood City’s projected Operating Expenses for FY 2018-19 is $7.3 million of which 77% is attributable to operations and 23% to administration. These expenses are $2.2 million more than FY 2017-18 due to the Port investing in Berth Dredging at Wharves #1 through #4. Expenses also include a $500,000 subvention payment to City of Redwood City, which the Port provides to the City on an annual basis.

The budget also addresses capital needs at the Port of Redwood City including investing $1.5 million for improvements to the Port Marina and the Port’s Rail Spur.

To learn more about the Port's budget, go here and click to page 381.
Port of Redwood City | www.redwoodcityport.com