RHCA Weekly Bids & Opportunities
September 6, 2022
Bids Banner
Silver Line D/M/WBE Opportunities
Cox Automotive reports that new vehicle affordability declined this spring. High demand and low inventory market dynamics triggered record high prices. There is little relief in sight.

Bids & Opportunities
Non-Construction Opportunities
Outreach | Training | Resources
On Jan. 15, 2021, OSHA's civil penalty amounts for workplace safety and health violations will increase based on cost-of-living adjustments for 2021. Read the Federal Register notice and visit the OSHA Penalties webpage for more information.
Included in this report:
  • The Turner Building Cost Index
  • 2.23% for the Quarter
  • 8.09% yearly increase
  • Supply Chain Forecast
  • Steel / Joists / Decking / Rebar
  • Curtainwall / Glass
  • Drywall / Studs
  • Roofing
  • HVAC & Electrical Equipment
  • Doors, Frames & Hardware
  • Cement
  • Oil
  • Transportations 
  • Construction Spending
  • Material Cost Escalation
  • Material PPI +13.3% Average for Year
  • Building Trend Costs
  • AIA Billing Index
  • Modest Growth despite economic concerns

Pegasus Link Constructors I-635 LBJ East Project Opportunities

City of Dallas launches healthy food initiative

Spectra/Fair Park First Job Opportunities

COVID-19 and more...
COVID-19 Key Messages and Talking Points
Governor Abbott Lifts Mask Mandate, Opens Texas 100 Percent
For more detailed information you can also
Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
Homeowner Repair Program

Prevent the spread of COVID-19 in seven steps

Best Practices When Submitting Permits PDOX Applications Online

Project Description: To ensure project gets routed to the proper department, on the application submittal of the Online Application for a building project please begin the description of work with one of the following phrases which most resembles your permit type: Q-Team Review, Commercial New, Commercial Remodel, Commercial Addition, Residential New, Residential Addition, Residential Addition/Remodel, Residential Remodel.
NEW City of Dallas Building Inspection Announcement
In response to the recently announced "Rules for the Construction Industry" in Dallas Ordinance #200438, the City of Dallas has announced that the ordinance and its associated policies will be strictly enforced during all building inspections, and it is YOUR responsibility to ensure they are strictly adhered to in the area(s) of the jobsite being inspected while any Dallas inspections staff are present.

The announcement makes it clear that there will be no exceptions made regarding adherence to the "COVID-19 Ordinance."

Beginning April 1st
Customers that submit more than 5 permits per year MUST submit electronically.
For more info contact Scott Webster
Dallas County Order: Rules for the Construction Industry
2020 was an unforeseen year that impacted each of us, the community we live in, and each person we interact with daily. As essential workers, the construction industry’s men and women have stepped up to the plate by continuing to deliver projects while meeting changing demands and regulations. 

On December 31, 2020, the RHCA, DART, and partners paid tribute to the men and women who wake up in Dallas/Fort Worth and work to build our world, recognizing construction workers with a celebratory video tribute RHCA 2020 Day of the Construction Worker “Honoring Over 1,600 Essential Workers” and special messages from elected officials, public entities, and community leaders thanking them for their dedication and hard work to our industry.