Newsletter-May/June 2020
The latest news & opportunities from RI C-AIM
Above: RI C-AIM student liaison Dr. Patricia Thibodeau and URI Masters candidate
Maggie Heinichen.
RI C-AIM's 2020 Vis-a-thon
Despite COVID-19, the 2020 RI C-AIM Vis-a-thon is underway! Working in collaboration with the Edna Lawrence Nature Lab at RISD, the Vis-a-thon aims to promote visualization as an integral facet of research methodology and provide opportunities for participants to experiment with innovative ways to create and effectively utilize visual imagery and language. Get a behind-the-scenes look (Click for video!) at the visualization workshop held this past March, as well as an introduction to the first three projects conducted in May.
Responding to COVID
Dr. Irene Andreu

For the past several months, RI C-AIM's Dr. Irene Andreu (above), Director of Operations for the RI Consortium for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , has exchanged marine science research for a collaboration with URI's Rapid Solvers to better understand how protective mask materials fare at filtering air particles, all to help keep the Rhode Island public safe and informed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more!
BlueSwell Incubator
Informational Webinar
Friday, June 26, 2020
10-11 a.m.

SeaAhead and the New England Aquarium have established BlueSwell to support the creation and growth of startups with scalable solutions that enhance ocean sustainability and global resilience. The goal of the BlueSwell Incubator Program is to build the capacity of new founders to convert their big ocean-focused concepts into profitable and sustainable businesses by bridging a gap of funding and mentorship. Learn more!
Student Spotlight
Abigail Enck, Bryant
Recent graduate and 2019 RI C-AIM SURF Abigail Enck talks to Bryant University about pursuing a career as a pediatric optometrist, and how her summer research experience with RI C-AIM investigator Dr. Christopher Reid , assistant professor of Science & Technology at Bryant, helped get her there. Read more!
Upcoming Opportunities
Save the Date!
2020 C-AIM Summer Intensive
Thursday, July 16 & Friday, July 17, 2020

Graduate students and post doctoral researchers, how prepared are you to effectively engage a variety of audiences, from scientific colleagues and potential funders to journalists and investors? As part RI C-AIM's Career Development Program, URI's Metcalf Institute will hold a two-day intensive science communication workshop for RI C-AIM participants.
Details forthcoming!
Global Ocean Series
Friday, June 26, 9-10 a.m.

Supported by URI's Graduate School of Oceanography , as well as a host of national and international organizations, the Global Ocean Series involves discussions exploring how scaling between local management and large marine ecosystems (LMEs) connects to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.  RI C-AIM's Dr. Tatiana Rynearson will be participating in this upcoming panel, "Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem: A holistic perspective."
The News
Image courtesy University of Rhode Island
Engineering students honored at URI's Rainville Awards

Students from the URI Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) were honored earlier this month with the Team Excellence Award at URI's 32nd annual A. Robert Rainville Leadership Awards. RI C-AIM Diversity Action Committee Chair Charles Watson serves as advisor for the URI chapter, as well as Assistant Director of Diversity for URI's College of Engineering. Read more about URI's student leaders, and congratulations to all!
New look for RI Data Discovery Center
RI C-AIM's data portal, the RI Data Discovery Center, has been overhauled! Buoy location and data from Narragansett Bay, including the Long-Term Plankton Time Series, is readily available for viewing and download. Check it out!
Image by Jonathan Benoit
Tania Oliveira (above) prepares a sample for the CryoSEM at the RI Consortium for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Cyanobacteria & microplastics:
New research from RI C-AIM investigators
URI doctoral candidate Tania Thalyta Silva de Oliveira (pictured) and advisor, Dr. Arijit Bose, professor of chemical engineering, present research examining how freshwater and seawater species of cyanobacteria are interacting with nano-scale plastics, funded through RI C-AIM and the Rhode Island Science and Technology Advisory Council. Read more!
Don't Forget
NSF Deadlines: Be sure to consult upcoming funding/project due dates for faculty and students alike from the National Science Foundation through their web portal .
Grad Student & Post-Doc Assistance: If you are a graduate student working on RI C-AIM research, be sure to contact our liaison Patricia Thibodeau for questions about programming and opportunities.
C-AIM Newsletter Archive: Looking for info from a past C-AIM newsletter? Check out our archived newsletter page !