Newsletter-March 2021
The latest news & opportunities from RI C-AIM
Register Now! 2021 RI C-AIM Research Symposium
The 2021 RI C-AIM/RI NSF EPSCoR Research Symposium on Wednesday, April 28, 9 to 3 pm ET, is the principal showcase for climate variability research and broader impacts work conducted through our grant.

We highly encourage anyone within the marine research and education communities in Rhode Island and beyond to join us in sharing the work of faculty and student investigators operating from our eight partner institutions!
A unique chance to share RI C-AIM work
This year, we are giving RI C-AIM investigators the chance to submit two-minute video Soundbites to share their research and professional development work from the past two years.

Soundbites submissions, due to RI C-AIM by Wednesday, April 7, will be shared asynchronously with attendees in the weeks prior to the symposium.

On the day of the symposium, Soundbites presenters will be able to network with faculty, institutional staff and students, offering a great opportunity to gain valuable feedback and learn about how their research could fit into future collaborations.

Organized by URI's Metcalf Institute, we are also offering a Soundbites Workshop on Friday, March 26, 9-11 am ET. to anyone interested in learning more about giving creative and informative flash talks like Soundbites. You do not have to submit a Soundbites video to participate. Learn More!
Upcoming Opportunities
RISD Nature Lab: Regeneration Series
Thursday, March 18, 12 pm ET

Join the Edna Lawrence Nature Lab for the sixth Regeneration session with Maida Branch, founder and director of MAIDA, a collective that supports the growth of Indigenous artists and preservation of their homelands through sustainable business practices. Maida will discuss the importance of how establishing a place-based ethos in your work can support the preservation of culture, nature, and identity. RSVP here
Dissertation defense: Stephanie Anderson
Tuesday, March 30, 1 pm ET

University of Rhode Island and RI C-AIM doctoral candidate Stephanie Anderson, advised by Dr. Tatiana Rynearson, will defend her dissertation titled,
"Phytoplankton thermal responses as drivers of community composition and biogeography in a changing environment."
NSF Scholarships in STEM
Full Proposal Due: Wednesday, April 7

The main goal of the S-STEM program is to enable low-income, talented domestic students to pursue successful careers in promising STEM fields. Recognizing that financial aid alone cannot increase retention and graduation in STEM, the program provides awards to Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) to fund scholarships and activities that support recruitment, retention, and other STEM student success pathways. Learn More
The News
Bay Observatory buoys on way
The time is almost here for RI C-AIM investigators to launch our new, custom-built biogeochemical sensor buoys! Learn more about how these instruments will help investigators monitor real-time ecological changes in Narragansett Bay.
Women in STEM: New brief from NSF INCLUDES
This research brief features eight evidence-based practices for increasing the participation of girls and women in STEM education and careers. The brief also discusses intersectional approaches to addressing barriers specific to girls and women of color in pursuing STEM.
Dr. Baylor Fox-Kemper
Fox-Kemper talks sea level rise
RI C-AIM investigator Dr. Baylor Fox-Kemper, professor of earth, environmental, and planetary sciences at Brown University, speaks about sea level rise across the globe as a lead author on the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) next assessment report. Read more!
Don't Forget
NSF Deadlines: Be sure to consult upcoming funding/project due dates for faculty and students alike from the National Science Foundation through their web portal.
Grad Student & Post-Doc Assistance: If you are a graduate student working on RI C-AIM research, be sure to contact our liaison Patricia Thibodeau for questions about programming and opportunities.
C-AIM Newsletter Archive: Looking for info from a past C-AIM newsletter? Check out our archived newsletter page!