Newsletter-February 2019
The latest news & opportunities from RI C-AIM
2019 Research Symposium
The 2019 RI NSF EPSCoR/RI C-AIM Research Symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at the Memorial Union-University of Rhode Island, Kingston Campus. Highlights of the program:

  • 15 Years of RI NSF EPSCoR, Dr. Geoffrey Bothun, PI and Project Director
  • Keynote address, Dr. Kim Waddell, Director, Virgin Islands EPSCoR
  • Invited graduate student, postdoctoral fellow presentations by Teresa Mako (Chemistry, URI) and Dr. Peter Stempel (RISD)

Abstract submissions due Wednesday, March 20
Winter edition of
The Current is out!
The latest edition of RI C-AIM's bi-annual magazine captures the research stories from this past summer's SURF program, including:

  • Former SURFs Steven Tadros and Jillon McGreal tell us where they are now

Student Spotlight: RISD's Stewart Copeland
Stewart Copeland  has been a webmaster, documentary filmmaker, and even a touring musician over the past 10 years. Now, the RISD graduate student is developing 3D models of equipment from the Bay Observatory to share RI C-AIM research with multiple audiences.
The News
  • Thank you to instructor M. Kathleen Joyce and the American Institute of Biological Sciences for educating C-AIM and others through the "Enabling Team Science" workshop, held at URI on Feb. 14. The strategies learned for effective team science will hopefully be carried on by attendees to their departments and colleagues!

  • RISD's Nature Lab has announced an open call for proposals for its upcoming 6th Biennial Design Science Symposium: Inclusive Narratives from Nature. Submission deadline is Sunday, March 31, 2019. Learn more about the symposium.

  • C-AIM Thrust 1 Lead Dr. Bethany Jenkins features in URI's Momentum magazine, alongside Dr. Tatiana Rynearson, Dr. Susanne Menden-Deuer, and Dr. Melissa Omand, highlighting their research on plankton in the world's oceans as part of the joint NSF/NASA EXPORTS initiative.

Don't Forget
  • If you are a RI C-AIM researcher, please help us update our website's research pages in advance of the leadership team's Reverse Site Visit to NSF Headquarters on April 23. For more info, contact C-AIM Communications Coordinator Shaun Kirby.

  • Are you giving a presentation funded through RI C-AIM/RI NSF EPSCoR? Consult our logos page for appropriate acknowledgment!