RI PTAC Newsletter | September 2020
Rhode Island Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Northeast/401 Tech Bridge SBIR webinars 

September 3rd
September 16th 
 8(a) Income and Net Worth Eligibility Standards Increased
Posted on July 16, 2020 by Shane McCall

As of July 15, the initial caps on net worth, adjusted gross income, and fair market value of assets for the 8(a) program have gone up. The dollar amounts for initial 8(a) economic disadvantage eligibility have increased quite a bit, making more people economically eligible. Read on for the details on this change.
The rules now state:
  • “The net worth of an individual claiming disadvantage must be less than $750,000.” (increased from $250,000, making initial and continuing eligibility the same number)

  • “SBA will presume that an individual is not economically disadvantaged if his or her adjusted gross income averaged over the three preceding years exceeds $350,000.” (increased from $250,000, making initial and continuing eligibility the same number)

  • “An individual will generally not be considered economically disadvantaged if the fair market value of all his or her assets (including his or her primary residence and the value of the applicant/Participant firm) exceeds $6 million.” (increased from $4 million, making initial and continuing eligibility the same number)
You're Invited - Virtual Industry Day
Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 10:00 am
About the Event
Maine PTAC is pleased to host Joint Venture team 381 Constructors, comprised of Cianbro, TIC and Middlesex, for a virtual Industry Day on Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 10:00am via Zoom. Local businesses join us to learn about an exciting opportunity to join 381 Constructors as subcontractors on their bid for this project at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine.
Project Description
Project partners will construct a partitioned addition to Dry Dock #1 within the super flood basin area to create two new docking positions. The existing dry dock and super flood basin will remain operational throughout construction with the project sequenced to create the northern docking position first, followed closely by the second docking position in front of Dry Dock #1. Scope also includes combined flooding/dewatering pump station, and a utility head end enclosure along with various other supporting site improvements (crane rail, utility distribution/infrastructure).
As part of the same project, but under a separately advertised procurement, two new caisson gates will be fabricated.

More details, including registration, will be sent soon
If you are interested please email: ptac@riptac.org
Helping businesses find, win and perform on government contracts • maineptac.org
Maine PTAC is a program of Eastern Maine Development Corporation. Learn more at www.emdc.org.
Department of Defense Notice
Implementation of the Section 889(a)(1)(B) Prohibition on Contracting with
Entities Using Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment

The purpose of this memorandum is to facilitate implementation of interim FAR rule 2019-009,
published on July 14, 2020, and effective on August 13, 2020. The interim rule implements
prohibitions contained in section 889(a)(1)(B) of the National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2019, and requires contracting officers to take specific actions prior to
awarding, or extending or renewing, contracts, task orders, or delivery orders on or after August
13, 2020. Continue reading: DOD implementation memo

Federal Acquisition Regulation: Prohibition on Contracting With Entities Using Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. Continue reading: FAR Case 2019_009

2020 National PTAC Day webinar

All businesses are invited to join government marketplace experts from around the country for a fun, interactive, and enlightening event! Hosted by the Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, participants will have a chance to test their knowledge of the federal government marketplace while hearing top tips from PTAC counselors across the country. Businesses with all levels of government contracting experience are welcome to participate in this free event.

September 16, 2020
2:00 PM in Eastern Time
To Register:

Rhode Island PTAC
Staff contact information

Melody Weeks PTAC Program Manager
(401) 528-9619 email: melody.weeks@commerceri.com

Louis Francis PTAC Counselor
(401) 528-9114 email: louis.francis@commerceri.com

Kaileigh Carroll PTAC Counselor
(401) 528-9466 email: kaileigh.carroll@commerceri.com

Charlene Bouthillette, Program Coordinator
(401) 278-9129 email: charlene.bouthillette@commerceri.com
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Webinars
September 2020
RI PTAC subscribes to Govology, a government contracting training webinar service and our subscription benefits you!
Understanding and Obtaining the SBA’s WOSB and EDWOSB Certifications

September 10, 2020


The SBA is in the process of changing the WOSB regulations to do away with self-certification.

This presentation will explain how this change has been a long time coming, how the SBA’s new certification process works, and how the change impacts third-party certification and recertification.
GovCon Accounting Policies and Procedures

September 15, 2020

1:00-2:30 pm

One of the fundamental requirements of an accounting system is documented policies and procedures, which are used in establishing and maintaining an organization’s internal controls, accounting, and reporting. The policies and procedures should capture how things are done, serving as an important tool for clarifying roles, responsibilities, and ensuring accurate financial data is used for decision making. 

This webinar will focus on the purpose of having written (well-documented) policies and processes that serve as a basic framework and the importance of these procedures being consistently executed by all users of the system to promote operational efficiency and governance.
GSA Schedule Rescue Camp: Steps You Need To Take NOW

September 17, 2020

1:00 - 2:30pm
The GSA Schedule Rescue Camp is designed to give you the skills you need to anticipate and avoid GSA Schedule problems. It will also teach you how to get yourself out of situations that threaten your contract, despite your best efforts, without spending a fortune.

Who should attend? This training is for GSA Schedule adventurers at all levels
Winning Strategies and Best Practices for Government Prospecting

September 24, 2020


In this presentation, you will learn how and where to prospect for potential buyers of your products or services the right way. You will discover real-world techniques and strategies that have helped businesses win billions of dollars in government contracts.

Focusing on techniques proven to maximize government opportunities, the author of this training, Joshua Frank, will discuss the importance of pre-acquisition prospecting, including how and where to identify and evaluate which federal agencies and military services buy what you sell. You will learn about the most common prospecting challenges faced by small businesses and discover which of the widely-used prospecting methods actually work.
If you are interested in viewing any of the above
Govology Webinars contact your PTAC Counselor for
log-in information.

The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Office of Small Business Programs offers monthly webinars to educate small businesses and others about DLA's mission and opportunities to participate in our various military supply chains.

Hear directly from experts at the diverse buying commands as they discuss the DLA Small Business Program and requirements, which include procuring military spare parts, food, fuel, uniforms, medical supplies, and construction material for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, 10 combatant commands, other federal agencies, and partner and allied nations.

For more information and to register for a monthly session: https://tko.dla.mil/Public/Main.aspx
Rhode Island Commerce Corporation
Resource Information for Small Business Assistance

 COVID-19 Info Line: (401) 521-HELP

Please visit the Commerce website for information about programs and initiatives available for businesses
For up to date information on workplace reopening guidelines please visit: