March 31, 2023
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Julie Merolla, LDA RI Chapter Chair, Maggie Schaeffer, LDA LymeAid 4 Kids Coordinator at RI School Nurses Conference 2023 | |
The Rhode Island Chapter of the Lyme Disease Association recently provided Lyme disease educational information to school nurses. On 3.21.23, the Rhode Island Certified School Nurse Teachers Association presented a conference in Warwick, RI entitled “What Rhode Island School Nurses Should Know about Vector-borne Diseases.” Speakers included Sandi Delak, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN-E, FNASN and Thomas Mather, PhD, Professor of Entomology at URI and Director of the TickEncounter Resource Center. Read more. | |
According to a Propublica, non-profit newsroom, article by Patrick Rucker, Maya Miller and David Armstrong, 3.25.23, Cigna health insurance doctors are routinely rejecting patients’ claims for medical care, without ever opening a patient’s file. With a click of a button, patients’ claims are being deemed as not “medically necessary.” The article states that documents for these claims show that Cigna doctors denied over 300,000 requests over a two month period. Read more. | |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Corak, N., et al.) 3.15.23, published “Pleomorphic Variants of Borreliella (syn. Borrelia) burgdorferi Express Evolutionary Distinct Transcriptomes.” The study examined the lifecycle of B. burgdorferi, and its development of numerous pleomorphic forms, to gain clarity regarding possible biological and medical importance. Read more. | |
Journal of Bacteriology (Castro-Padovani, T., et al.) 3.15.23 published “Gac Is a Transcriptional Repressor of the Lyme Disease Spirochete’s OspC Virulence-Associated Surface Protein.” The study investigated the processes by which the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, controls production of OspC. Read more. | |
Nature Immunology (Muri, J., et al) published a letter on 3.6.23 “Autoantibodies against chemokines post-SARS-CoV-2 infection correlate with disease course.” During this investigation, it was discovered that the antibodies against specific chemokine were most common post-COVID-19. These antibodies were also associated with favorable outcome of disease and negatively related with the development of long COVID. Read more. | |
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (Pearson, P. et al.) published “White-Tailed Deer Serum Kills the Lyme Disease Spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi,” 3.21.23. In this study, researchers used an in vitro serum sensitivity assay to determine that serum of white-tailed deer kills Lyme spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi). Read more. | |
Who could forget the bright red hair, endearing smile, enthusiasm, and kindheartedness of my dear friend, Janet Jemec? Janet was a dynamo during the early struggles of the tri-state area’s Lyme community and remained active until 12 years ago.
Janet passed away on February 24, 2023, and the family has requested that donations be made to Lyme Disease Association, Inc. in Janet’s memory. DONATE.
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Lone star ticks, Credit: James Occi, PhD, LDA Scientific & Professional Advisory Board | |
Emerging Infectious Diseases (Liu, S., et al.) 5.23, published “Fatal Case of Heartland Virus Disease Acquired in the Mid-Atlantic Region, United States.” The article describes a reported fatal case of Heartland virus (HRTV) in the Maryland and Virginia region, states that are generally not recognized as having human HRTV disease cases. Read more. | |
International Medical Case Reports Journal (Kinderlehrer D.) 3.3.23, published “The Effectiveness of Microdosed Psilocybin in the Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Lyme Disease: A Case Study.” The report illustrates the case of an immunocompetent male patient with serologically positive neuropsychiatric Lyme disease who had not been tolerating antimicrobial or psychotropic treatments. Read more. | |
Baltimore Magazine article (Woolever, L.) 3.23, “Game Changer: Nicole Baumgarth was named director of the new Johns Hopkins University’s Lyme & Tickborne Diseases Research and Education Institute.” The Institute hopes to be “the basic arm of research work surrounding tick-borne diseases at Hopkins.” Focus areas included ticks, tick ecology, pathogen, and immune response. Read more. | |
The Lyme Disease Association Inc. (LDA) does not charge any membership fees. Most of our
materials are free to download and most of our videos are free on YouTube. Our nationwide
doctor referral system is free to access. Printed brochures can be ordered for the cost of S&H.
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