RIBLI Newsletter
April 11, 2019
In This Issue
Dates to Note 
  • Thu., Apr. 11    Reports Cards Available Online
  • Thu., Apr. 18    Marching Band Interest Meeting, 6-8p, Cafeteria
  • Fri., Apr. 19      No School
  • Sat., Apr. 27     Saturday School, 9a-12n
  • Sun., Apr. 28    IB Class of 2019 Senior Banquet
Please check the  RHS Calendar for updates, A/B schedule and  other dates to note.
Report Cards

High school Quarter 3 report cards are now available!

The report card can be accessed on the report card website 
https://reportcards.sdhc.k12.fl.us  by either entering the student's number and password or by using the student's assigned Personal Identification Number (PIN). You can request a PIN electronically at  https://reportcards.sdhc.k12.fl.us/requestPin/  
RIBLI Board Member Nominations
 2019/2020 RIBLI BOARD
Willingness to Serve
If you are interested in serving on the RIBLI Board or as a Committee Chair
for the 2019-2020 school year, or if you know someone who would be a great board member, please contact 
Teresa Potter at  teresapotter1@gmail.com or 813-787-7328. 

The deadline for nominations is April 12, 2019.
Available Positions:
VP Membership
VP of Communications
VP of Volunteers
Recording Secretary
Freshman Parent Representatives (2)
Sophomore Parent Representatives (2)
Junior Parent Representatives (2)
Senior Parent Representatives (2)
Teacher & Student Grant Coordinator
Merchandise Coordinator
Coffee Talk Coordinator
Serving on the Board is a great way to become more involved with, and knowledgeable about, our IB Program! Incoming IB Parents are welcome on the Board in any position.   
to purchase IB Banquet tickets and 
have your child's baby picture included in the slide show. 

The IB Senior Banquet is April 28th 
Purchase Banquet Tickets Now!

To purchase tickets online  click HERE  or use
the form below to pay by check.

No more tickets will be offered after that date.

Send in the following 3 pictures by April 18th!

1 Baby Picture, 1 Picture of your choice, & 1 Group Picture.  

Please clearly mark with your student's name in the
email or the file name (LastNameFirstName1).

If you have not sent slide show pictures of your Senior,
please email pictures ASAP to

IB & AP Exams Schedule

We are quickly nearing the end of another school year. AP Exams begin May 6 and IB Exams begin May 7! 

Semester final exams will be held May 28-31 (a list of exams by day will be coming soon). 
Tutoring and Review Assistance

Robinson students looking for additional academic help have a number of options!

Saturday School 
With IB Exams and EOCs right around the corner, many IB Teachers will be available for reviews during one of our many Saturday School dates. T he next Saturday School will be held on April 27, from 9a-12 n .  

ZAP Free Lunchtime Tutoring
In addition to the many after school tutoring options, Robinson is now holding FREE lunchtime tutoring sessions for students during all 3 lunches.  Students  should ask their teacher for a ZAP Pass (Zeros Aren't Permissible), where they can go to the cafeteria, get their lunch fast, and then zoom over to their tutor's room where they can have individual or small group attention in needed areas.  Click here to download the  ZAP Lunch Time Tutoring Schedule .

ELP Free After School Tutoring 
FREE after school Extended Learning (ELP) tutoring is still available in a most subjects. Click this link f or a list of ELP tutoring subjects, teachers, dates and times:  ELP After School Tutoring Schedule .

Peer Konnect
Peer Konnect is a software program that allows students to tutor and learn from their peers. RHS students are paired up with other students to get extra help on their coursework, or even earn community service by becoming a tutor themselves! Click here to sign up:  Peer Konnect.
2019-20 RHS Marching Band Information Meeting 
If you would like to learn more about joining Robinson High School's Marching Band or Color Guard you are invited to attend an informational meeting for students and parents on Thursday April 18th from 6-8:00 p.m. in the RHS cafeteria. Please email Mr. Revett, Band Director at christopher.revett@sdhc.k12.fl.us if you have questions.  
Want to be a Starlet?

Information on Starlets will be available at the 2019 Marching Band interest meeting at RHS on April 18th from 6-8:00p.  Auditions begin April 30th from 6-8:00 pm at RHS.  Visit RHS Starlets Social Media for more info: Facebook Page: Robinson Starlets, Instagram: @RHSStarlets, Twitter: @RHSStarlets. 
RIBLI Support for Students
RIBLI provides financial support for students in need of assistance to purchase school books or supplies, to pay fees, or obtain necessary equipment to participate in sports and other extracurricular activities, or to complete summer assignments.  To submit a confidential request for financial support from RIBLI, email robinsonhighib@gmail.com .

AP of Magnet/IB Curriculum:

For other RHS IB Faculty 
Contact Information
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