Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Rhode Island State House
First Floor Bell Area
Community & Justice Award & Holiday Gala
5:00PM Registration
Reception & Program
We are delighted to honor Ramona Royal, PHR, CPCU, Talent Acquisition and Diversity Officer for Amica Mutual Insurance. Ramona leads diversity initiatives at Amica's 44 offices. Nationally recognized for her creative, storytelling approach Ramona is a model for DEI (D
iversity, Equity and Inclusion)
professionals and for RICJ's Youth Facilitators.
For 66 years we have honored business, nonprofit, and community leaders whose dedication helps build a just and inclusive state. The Community & Justice Award is RICJ's annual fundraiser. All proceeds support our youth empowerment, juvenile justice and diversity education programs.
Join us in celebrating a world of diversity, equity and inclusion at the
Community & Justice Gala
Reception includes world cuisine buffet
Tickets $75
Register at the link below
To sponsor, contact
Grateful thanks to our event sponsors: Amica Mutual Insurance, Belvoir Properties, Sam & Joelle Palmisano, Cox Communications, Dan Baudouin, Anonymous Donor, Blue Cross Blue Shield RI, Dimeo Construction Company, Pawtucket Credit Union, Washington Trust, Beneficent Church, Delta Dental, KPMG and the Rumpler Family.
Grateful thanks to major supporters Tufts Health Plan Foundation, Providence Journal Charitable Legacy Fund and Rhode Island Foundation; our juvenile justice program major supporters the USDOJ Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention/RI Dep't. of Public Safety, Episcopal Diocese of RI and RI Dep't. of Children, Youth and Families; and our youth program major donors including Nordson EFD, Dexter Donation, Providence Rotary and the RI Senate.