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Maximizing opportunities to meet the needs of all students for a meaningful life

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New Year's Resolutions

January 9, 2022

Happy New Year and welcome to what I anticipate will be a positive and productive 2022 for the Ramapo Indian Hills Regional High School District. We are committed to effective and timely District and school communication as your official source for accurate and credible updates for our learning community.

I have not been shy about my intention to advocate for our schools to continue to remain open to in-person learning while prioritizing the safety of our students and staff. As the impact of the increased COVID activity level continues to rise, it will require us to adhere to safety precautions and best practices remaining flexible and nimble if we hope to keep our schools open. Thank you for your partnership as we provide regular updates on how your cooperation will help us accomplish this goal for our students.

The NJDOH recently provided a recommendation to school districts to require students to be vaccinated and tested weekly to participate in athletics or extra-curricular activities. I want to be clear that our District has not adopted those guidelines.

The District recognizes that control of the spread of communicable disease is essential to the well-being of the school community and to the efficient operation of the schools. In our continued effort to provide measurable relief and ease the burden that this pandemic has imposed on our parents, students, and staff, at my recommendation in order to facilitate students to be able to return to in-person learning as soon as possible while maintaining safety precautions, and in coordination with our district physician and Board counsel, a resolution was introduced and adopted at Thursday night’s Board of Education meeting to make a change in Board Policy 8451, “Control of Communicable Disease” to reflect the exclusion criteria recommended by the New Jersey Department of Health for Local Health Departments for K-12 Schools.

Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 or individuals with COVID-19 symptoms who have not been tested and do not have an alternative diagnosis from their healthcare provider should stay home until at least 10 days have passed since symptom onset and at least 24 hours have passed after resolution of fever without fever-reducing medications and improvement in symptoms. 

Effective immediately, a student or staff member who is a confirmed COVID-19 case will no longer need written evidence of being free of a communicable disease in order to return to school or work after at least 10 days have passed, as long as the individual is symptom-free and the exclusion criteria above are met in accordance with NJDOH public health guidance.

Under the recommendation of our District Physician, School Nurses, and the American Academy of Pediatrics “students who participate in Extra-Curricular Activities Competition under Policy 2431 shall be required to present written evidence of being free of COVID-19 and eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities competition supplied by the school medical inspector or another qualified physician who has examined the student before the student is permitted to resume participation in any extra-curricular activities competition.”

Post COVID-19 Clearance Form for Students

The pace of play has been fast of late. I am proud of the swift response of our leadership team and the support of our Board of Education enabling us to meet the needs of our students and staff in real-time amidst the evolving nature of the pandemic. Thank you to our leadership team, nurses, administrative assistants, facilities and security, food services, and our entire faculty. Our nursing staff continues to be responsible to address the regular medical needs of our students, including contact tracing and COVID-related matters. However, wherever we can, we have been and will continue to add additional layers of support as we respond to the pandemic.

Upon return from December recess, the past week was challenging to navigate with increased COVID activity from the break but we accomplished a great deal to enable us to continue to chart a path forward with the support of our Board of Education.

  • Expanded staffing at both high schools to support our school nurses and administrative offices to address operational response time
  • Increased compensation to substitute pay to remain competitive and effectively staff our buildings to proactively prevent staffing shortages
  • Revision to the COVID Dashboard to reflect daily reported positive cases to improve case rate reporting and streamline communication protocols
  • Addition of COVID-19 Hub on mega menu of District website with relevant community resources and updates
  • Revised Zoom link administrative process to improve efficiencies and remove barriers to student learning impacted by COVID

While we are not out of the woods yet, a review of the numbers reported by our nursing office for the COVID dashboard indicates a recent decline in the number of positive cases over the past several days but we must remain vigilant. It is likely we will continue to observe high COVID activity across the region for several weeks which may continue to impact our schools. I recognize that we are living through challenging times but now is the time to continue to communicate effectively, work together, and remain positive. 


Lastly, but certainly not least, a special thank you to our school facilities personnel, FLOW law enforcement, and our community Department of Public Works who helped guide us through two weather events last week. The winter season is young and we will continue to collaborate and work together to respond accordingly to inclement weather.

I hope you find the information in the Weekend Morning Brew informative and evidence of the progress our school district is committed to. We have much work ahead. Together we will continue to make the Ramapo Indian Hills Regional a place we can all continue to be proud of.

All my best,

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Dr. Rui Dionisio

Superintendent of Schools

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On Thursday, January 6th, 2022 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  released updated guidance  for COVID-19 prevention in schools which shortens the recommended isolation and quarantine periods for COVID-19 positive individuals and close contacts. As of this writing, the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) has not made a recommendation to K-12 schools in regard to this new guidance. However, we are currently reviewing the recent CDC guidance in anticipation of any changes that will allow us to provide a safe learning environment for our students and staff while lessening the impact COVID-19 has had on our school community. 

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The District’s After School Academic Assistance Program continues into 2022!  This program provides struggling students with an additional opportunity for extra help in Math (Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2), English (Grades 9 and 10), and Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics).  With the end of the second marking period right around the corner, we encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity for extra help!  The updated schedule and additional information can be found on the District’s website.

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Superintendent's Corner Column 

Welcome Ms. Mariette Ng

Ramapo High School Assistant Principal 

January 9, 2022

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I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Mariette Ng as the new Assistant Principal of Ramapo High School to replace Mr. Mancino as he has accepted his new leadership role as Ramapo Director of Athletics. Ms. Ng distinguished herself among a talented pool of applicants through each round of a competitive and comprehensive interview process that included committee members from the administration, supervisors, teachers, and the school’s parent organization.  


Ms. Ng is described as a passionate educator, life-long learner, and innovative leader. She has worked nine years in academia in various roles as Acting Principal of the Donald A. Quarles School, High School  Supervisor of the DMHS - Academies at Englewood Choice Program, Middle School Supervisor, and teacher. 


Ms. Ng began her career in education as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher for students in grades K-8 in North Bergen, NJ. As a teacher, her ability to build rapport with students and create engaging lessons where students felt comfortable taking educational risks allowed her to become successful in the classroom.  


As a teacher, she also taught Kindergarten in the Language Immersion Program in Englewood Cliffs. Ms. Ng was a part of the team that developed the Science and Social Studies language immersion curriculum for grades K-2. The Language  Immersion Program was recognized by the former NJDOE Commissioner of Education Kimberly Harrington.  During her time in Englewood Cliffs,  she received International Baccalaureate training in the Primary Years Program which promotes global learning and the creation of authentic learning experiences in the classroom. 


Ms. Ng has held various administrative positions, including Acting Principal of the Donald A. Quarles School. She was the administrator in charge of reopening the school during the Covid-19 pandemic and during her short time developed a kindness committee that fostered a culture of care. She also guided the school’s learning design team to create common formative assessments and developed a standards-aligned report card. 


In her role as Supervisor of the Academies at Englewood Choice program, Ms. Ng is credited for instituting online exams and developing the assessment committee. She facilitated academy advisory meetings to discuss industry trends and possible changes to curricula to best prepare students in their academy programs.  


During her time as a Middle School Supervisor, Ms. Ng held the position of the  Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) and 504 Coordinator and School Test Coordinator. Along with the I&RS and 504 team, academic and behavioral plans were developed to best support the needs of students. 


Ms. Ng is passionate about teaching and learning and promotes using technology as an educational tool to design learning experiences that are collaborative, creative, and engaging. She has received training from Apple through the Apple Learning Academy and uses her technology skills to best support staff in their learning and creation of innovative lessons. 


As an educational leader, Ms. Ng focuses on the whole child, taking into account students' social and emotional needs, while also providing students with rigorous academic coursework. She believes in shared leadership and creating various student and teacher committees to move the school forward. 


Ms. Ng earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business at Fairleigh Dickinson University and her Masters in Educational Leadership from St. Peter’s University. She is excited to join the Ramapo Indian Hills Regional High School District and is eager to support the school community. In the coming weeks, Ms. Ng will spend time with the Ramapo team and become acquainted with our learning community. In the meantime, we are grateful to Mr. VanderMolen who has generously dedicated himself to our students and staff to serve as the Acting Assistant Principal until Ms. Ng officially arrives and begins in late winter in her new role. Ms. Ng is looking forward to carrying out the mission of the Ramapo Indian Hills Regional High School District and is excited to form part of the Raider Community. 

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COVID-19 Dashboard

January 4, 2022

Dear RIH Families and Faculty:

In an effort to provide daily transparency and streamline email notifications to families and staff, the District will update the community of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in our schools via daily reporting to the COVID Dashboard to provide the current status in our schools. This information will remain active and current on our District website. Read more here.

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The Ramapo Indian Hills Board of Education recently implemented a new video streaming platform on our District webpage. RIH Board of Education meetings may be viewed directly on our District website by clicking HERE or at the following link:

Archived Board of Education videos may be accessed at the following link. Additional information is available on the District webpage under the Board of Ed tab at the top of the page.



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