Those of us that knew Linda know exactly how she would want us to carry on. Let's make her proud at today's Back The Blue standout, and continue to grow the Cape conservative movement Linda helped start many years ago.
Linda passed away last Friday after a long battle with complications from COVID. Disputing liberal media, she did not die from her criticism of the World Health Organization, challenging Dr. Fauci's stance on hydroxychloroquine, or her support of President Trump.
The mere fact that liberals would use Linda's death to further their agenda speaks volumes of their character, and their scorched earth approach to all those that oppose them politically. Sadly, is on full display.
Question: when an unvaccinated Democrat dies of COVID, is the headline "Unvaccinated Biden Supporter DIes of COVID"? No, they wouldn't say that because it conflicts with their agenda. The fact is that the lowest vaccine rates are among blacks and hispanics that overwhelmingly vote Dem. That's the awkward truth.
RIP Linda. Watch us continue to grow the movement you started. We will continue to defend our constitutional freedoms, our flag, and our way of life even when unpopular with those that oppose us. We will not back down. We will not give up. We have not yet begun to fight.