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Landscapes & Partners

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City of Durango – Fire Adapted Durango

In the wake of the 416 Fire, the City formed a new collaborative partnership called the Fire Adapted Durango Partnership, made up of fire experts and public land managers, in order to focus on reducing the risk of fire in the Durango Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) on City-owned lands. In 2022, the city of Durango completed fire mitigation on 52.2 acres of city-owned land in 10 treatment units. These treatment units are immediately adjacent to 176 homes. Funding included grants from the Colorado State Forest Service and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Work was completed by the Southwest Conservation Corps, Durango Fire Protection District, the Division of Fire Prevention and Control and a private company (Underwood Forestry). This is what Shared Stewardship looks like! More...

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Conifer Wildland Division Chipping Program

2022 was a good year for the Elk Creek and Inter-Canyon Fire Protection Districts. Their Community Chipping program provided hazardous fuels reduction and biomass removal for the communities within the two districts. The two-district wide 2022 Community Chipping program, in its sixth year, serviced two HOAs in addition to 480 individual properties, chipping 3,575 piles. When residents were asked "Would you use the program again?," 98% of the 160 respondents said yes. What’s more, the program is expanding. Elk Creek, Inter-Canyon and now North Fork Fire Protection Districts have joined to form the Conifer Wildland Division. And to assist with excess biomass from the Conifer Wildland Division? Jefferson County is now accepting the excess chips through their own slash collection program. Well done Conifer Wildland Division!

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Lake County CWPP

In 2022, Lake County updated its 2015 Community Wildfire Protection Plan with restoration goals at the scale of those of Chaffee County, their partner county to the south. Over 13 months, community input was integrated with the most current data and iterative geospatial modeling of wildfire risk and treatment priorities, combined with assessment of community preparedness. The plan calls on partners to reduce the overall risk to the community’s assets by nearly 50% in ten years by accelerating treatment on the right acres. Keep the momentum going! More…

Events & Conferences

RMRI Leadership Team Meeting

March 31

2023 Colorado Wildland Fire Conference

April 11-14, 2023

RMRI Brown Bag: CWCB's Wildfire Ready Watershed Program

April 24

SWERI Cross-Boundary Landscape Restoration Workshop

May 2-4, 2023

The Conservation Alliance Summit

May 22-24, 2023

International Conference of Council on Forest Engineering (COFE)-Forest Engineering and Technologies (FETEC)

May 23-25

Faces of RMRI

Liz Dowling works for National Wild Turkey Federation as the RMRI Coordinator.

Grants & Funding

RMRI Brown Bag

In 2023, the RMRI Social License/Communications Subcommittee will begin hosting virtual "brown bag lunches" for RMRI partners. These brown bag events are intended to provide a place for RMRI partners to learn about ongoing programs and topics of interests. 

At our first brown bag lunch, Chris Sturm from the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) will present on the CWCB's Wildfire Ready Watershed Program, which will include an overview of the Colorado Statewide Post-Wildfire Susceptibility Analysis. The virtual brown bag lunch will be on Zoom Monday, April 24, from 11am to 12pm (MT)

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RestoringTheRockies.org | RestoreTheRockies@gmail.com 

The Rocky Mountain Restoration Initiative serves as the common entry point for restoration efforts in the Rockies. RMRI supports Partners across federal, state, Tribal and local jurisdictions to increase pace and scale of forest restoration. This is Shared Stewardship in action.