February 4, 2022  
RNG Coalition Responds to RFS Volume Requirement Proposed Rule
Washington, D.C. – Today, Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas Founder & CEO Johannes Escudero expressed support for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposal for the Renewable Fuel Standard’s (RFS) cellulosic biofuel targets for 2021 and 2022, while stressing the need to enforce the current 2020 standard immediately.

"EPA’s continued support for the expanded production and use of RNG is much appreciated. The proposed RFS volume requirements providing for a 51% increase in the program’s cellulosic biofuel target between 2020 and 2022 is welcomed, and we urge issuing these standards as soon as possible," said Escudero.  "We also ask that the current 2020 standards be enforced immediately."

RNG facilities capture methane, a potent and harmful greenhouse gas (GHG), that would otherwise escape into the atmosphere from organic waste streams at landfills, wastewater treatment facilities, dairies, and commercial food waste facilities and repurpose it as a clean energy source. RNG is fully fungible with conventional natural gas and is used as a direct substitute for most transportation, commercial, industrial, and residential natural gas applications.

“The RFS has been a key policy driver and remains critical to the growth of renewable natural gas, including to help decarbonize our medium- and heavy duty transport sector. We are ready to provide increasing volumes of domestic, cellulosic biofuels for years to come,” Escudero added.

Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas is the non-profit association providing public policy advocacy and education for the sustainable development, deployment and utilization of renewable natural gas in North America. RNG Coalition membership is comprised of 350+ leading companies, municipalities, ports and airports, colleges, and universities throughout the United States and Canada. Find out more at

Lesley Dalton