Rockford Reformed Church
VBS Decorating Days
ROAR! Vacation Bible school begins in less than 2 weeks!! That means we need a decorating crew to help make our church look like an "African savanna". This mostly involves carrying stuff and hanging things. Lots has been done and prepped already!

Can you help??!! Many hands make light work, even an hour of help means so much! Kids are welcome to help too!

Call, text, or email Beth and let her know when you can help!
616-560-3044, [email protected]

Here's an idea of the schedule:
(when Beth will be at church)

Wednesday the 19th - 10am-1pm
Preschool room
Registration table (lobby)

Thursday the 20th - 10am-6pm
Imagination station 
Bible Adventure room

Friday the 21st - 10am-8pm
Sanctuary set up - main stage, name tag tables, & preschool rugs
"Final details"