Hi, Bengals. 

Thank you so much for everything you are doing to help keep our campus community healthy and open. You are so great! In classrooms, study areas, and hallways, we have seen you wearing your masks and keeping a safe distance.  

We need you to keep up those practices even if you are sitting alone in a study area or walking across campus. Our campus policy is that we all wear face coverings whenever we are on our campus. We are starting to see some students not wearing face coverings because they feel it is not necessary if they are alone or if they are with a group of people they know, but that does not guarantee protection.

And thinking about health, please take time this holiday weekend to relax and recharge, but consider avoiding travel. How we handle ourselves this weekend could influence our ability to continue online classes.

We love having you here, Bengals. Help us keep our campus open for you! 

With gratitude,
Your Student Affairs Staff