On Saturday, February 26, the Young Children’s Wellness Council (YCWC) hosted a parent expo and resource fair to provide parents with information to ensure their child’s success. There were close to 20 resource tables available for parents to peruse. Organizations included RCSD PreK, Foodlink, Baby Safe Sleep Coalition, HealthiKids Coalition, the Crisis Nursery, Whole Child Connection, Get Ready to GROW, RAPP, The Norman Howard School, Encompass, Fidelis, Rochester Regional Health, Mt. Hope Family Center, AmeriCorps, and many more.
ROC the Future Alliance was on hand with our PECAN co-chair, Maurice Haskins, to collect information from parents to help inform our Wildly Important Goal. Parents indicated the following needs: What my school needs - mental health support, tutoring, more involvement between parents and teachers, social emotional learning, more father input; What my neighborhood needs - securer parks, better maintenance, more protection; What my child needs – speech therapy, behavior health, more hands-on time; What my family needs – more time to spend together, consistent contact with children, teachers and counselors, after work availability meetings with teachers.