You're in A Good Place with 14 OSHA Awards!
"ROCK FAM NEWS" 8.29.19
Rockingham County Safety/Risk Manager Chris Elliott filed applications to NC Dept. of Labor (NCDOL) Commissioner Cherrie Berry for worker safety & health. Then, Rockingham County received 14 safety & health awards from Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). First Year Gold   Awards :  9-1-1, Elections, Economic Development, Finance, IT, Public Landfill, Libraries, Register of Deeds Office, & DSS. Second Consecutive Year Gold Awards : County Manager's Office & Legal, Fire Marshal, HR, Inspections, & Public Health.
See Your County Government in Action!
You're invited to Rockingham County Board of Commissioners' On-the-Road meeting, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, Eden City Hall, 308 E. Stadium Dr., Eden, 27288. 

Emmett Scott Shoulars was sworn into office as a Rockingham County Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor at the Aug. 19th meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners. The Honorable J. Mark Pegram, Clerk of Superior Court officiated the oath of office. The meeting was held at the Rockingham County Governmental Center in Wentworth.
Treats to Replenish Your Energy! Rockingham County Government's BLOOD DRIVE is Wednesday, Sept. 18th, 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Critical Summer Blood Drive Needs! GIVE @ BLOOD DRIVE, Rockingham County Gov't Ct, 371 NC Hwy. 65, in Reidsville, 27320. C ontact Cindy Herring & book your appointment today:
phone 336.342.8374 or email:
Important Info for Rockingham County Citizens!
Watch Rockingham County's educational seminar on voter ID! Just click:

The Rockingham County Board of Elections hosted an educational seminar this summer about voter photo identification requirements. It was free & open to the public. Questions, contact Rockingham County Board of Elections at (336) 342-8107 
Work with Rockingham County Purchasing to become a vendor! Call Purchasing Agent Amanda Crumpler 336.342.8111
How to Become a Vendor for County Government!

Vendor Information
It is the intent of Rockingham County Purchasing to make Vendor-County relations pleasant, professional and profitable for both the vendor and the County. The purpose of the Purchasing Office is to maintain continuity of services and supplies to the various County departments by purchasing at the lowest cost consistent with the quality and quantity required.    
Click link for list of "NEW" Rockingham County Government's elected and administrative leaders, titles, emails, phone numbers, photos (8.28.19).  Connect w/Rockingham County Gov't elected & administrative leaders! Keep a copy to help when you have a question or need some info!

VIDEO of Aug. 19th Rockingham County Board of Commissioners' meeting @ Governmental Center, in Wentworth:

County Website:  

Video of August 12th Rockingham County Planning Board meeting @ Governmental Center, in Wentworth:

County Website:
Rockingham County Commissioner Mark Richardson & 4-Her, Sarah Farlee @ NCACC Youth Summit

A 4-H’er from Rockingham County attended the tenth annual North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Youth Summit, which was held in Greensboro, North Carolina, August 23-24, 2019. North Carolina 4-H and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service partnered for the tenth year with the NCACC on a multi-year initiative to increase youth involvement in county government. This initiative helps youth learn more about county government as well as how to become more involved in local decision making.
The 4-H’er who attended from Rockingham County was Sarah Farlee, 4-H member of the Shiloh 4-H Club. 77 youth and adults from 66 counties were represented during this event. The event is sponsored and supported by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.
For more information on the 4-H program in Rockingham County, please contact Morgan Maness, 4-H Agent at
Written by Morgan Maness, 4-H Agent, ,
Public Landfill Expansion!
Here is link to August/2019 Rockingham County 4-1-1, featuring Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineering & Public Utilities:
PIO Mable Scott sat down with Tate to discuss Rockingham County Public Landfill expansion, solid waste, recycling program, maintenance, facilities, & his team's strong work ethic.   
All ages loved this free event with door prizes!
Experts taught over 80 youngsters!
Safety Leadership!
Rockingham County Government had an un-scheduled fire alarm! Financial Services Director Pat Galloway made sure all auditors were accounted for before leaving the building. Tax Administrator Mark McClintock 
assured that staff & citizens were all clear & relayed critical info quickly. They both received a Safety Leadership Award.
In addition, multiple IT staff members, including CIO Derek Southern, used safety-minded techniques & Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when conducting county business. IT Dept. received a Departmental Safety Leadership Award.
See video of "Rock Your Health Wellness Fair @ R-Care in Reidsville"

Watch video with PIO Mable Scott talking with Downtown Senior Citizens Club & Diabetes Task Force of Rockingham County, the director of the RCARE Sr. Ctr. Cindy Baynes, Rockingham County Board of Commissioners Chair Reece Pyrtle, Public Health Director Ernesto Moseley, & Public Health Education Program Manager/PIO Katrina White. This year’s efforts linked citizens with health and social resources to improve overall well-being.
There were 38 local vendors from health & wellness organizations throughout the region. Free health screenings included A1C, vision, blood pressure & awesome door prizes. For individuals without a medical home (no family doctor), referrals to local providers were available. 
C ounty Manager Lance Metzler
(336) 342-8101

Rockingham County Governmental Center in Wentworth, NC 27375
371 NC Hwy. 65
Reidsville, NC 27320
(336) 342-8100

Mable Springfield Scott
Public Information Officer (PIO)