Leaf Collection Information
Use the map below to plan for your leaf pickup date. Dates may change due to weather & maintenance needs, so be sure to check our Facebook page regularly for updates!
Please ensure leaves are placed within 10 feet of the back of the curb. It is acceptable for leaves to be on the sidewalk, as long as 3 feet of open space is clear on the sidewalk for pedestrians. If piles are out of reach, the leaf truck won't be able to collect them.
Make sure to follow these leaf pick-up tips:
1. Do Not rake leaves into the street. Leaves should be in long piles behind the curb abutting the street. Leaves should be placed within 10 ft of the street or back of curb. LEAVES PLACED IN THE STREET WILL NOT BE PICKED UP.
2. When sidewalks abut the curb, leave at least 3 ft of passable sidewalk space between the curb and leaf piles for pedestrians.
3. Keep leaf piles free of limbs and litter.
4. Keep leaves away from obstacles such as trash cans, mailboxes, cars, and utility poles.
5. Do not park your car in front of leaves during collection hours of 7 AM-5 PM Monday-Friday and 7:30 AM-3:30 PM on Saturday. If your neighbor parks in front of your leaves, please reach out to them and kindly request they move their vehicle.
6. Place leaves behind the curb the day prior to collection