"Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world." 
-Nelson Mandela
e-RPDS                                                                                             09/30/2016
Letter from the Director
Dear Redeemer Community,

October 1 marks the beginning of admissions season at Redeemer when we begin accepting applications and giving tours for new students. Feedback from prospective families consistently revolves around our impressive program and the joy that emanates from our vibrant environment. Redeemer is a positive atmosphere where children discover that learning is fun. Whether leaving after pre-k, kindergarten or pre-first, we hear time and time again how prepared our students are for their new schools. Redeemer has a solid reputation within our community for its balanced programs and wonderful ability to promote social growth. Our students find success in all types of schools and programs, whether they attend independent, public or parochial schools. Last year alone our students went on to 20 different schools. It is a source of great pride for us.
This fall we will be hosting sneak peak information sessions for both our kindergarten and pre-first classes. I encourage parents from our pre-k and kindergarten classes to attend these sessions to learn more about our programs and what Redeemer has to offer each individual child. We are proud of the academic foundation we provide, as well as the low student teacher ratios and small class sizes. Redeemer offers the opportunity for children this age to serve as leaders, building confidence, independence and competence. In addition to enrichment classes in art, gym, science, music, and values, our pre-first and kindergarten students also attend weekly classes in Spanish and geography/world cultures. Please be sure to mark these important dates on your calendar and be on the lookout for more information.
Kindergarten parents interested in P1: October 20 at 9:00 am
Pk parents interested in Kindergarten: November 3 at 9:00 am
Feedback from our summer survey indicates that our current families are our best marketing tool, and we very much appreciate all that you do to promote our school and  thank you for continuing to spread the word. Have a wonderful weekend!
Best regards,

Classroom Updates:

Arrup 2s:
The Arrup 2's are adjusting well to their new schedule and routine.  We continue to work on sharing, taking turns and playing with new friends. The month of September has focused on talking about the color red, pets and apples. The boys and girls had fun creating art through apple stamping and even made their own applesauce! This Tuesday we had a very special treat. Our class got to visit the new baby chicks that hatched in the Kindergarten area.  The boys and girls observed them in the incubator and Mrs. Yanega held one for each child to see. Boy were they a hit! We are looking forward to a fun October with the children!

Wyatt 2s: 
We are all settling in nicely and becoming more comfortable with our routine.  During Circle Time we learned a Good Morning song which makes everyone laugh as we wiggle our feet in the air.  We finished our unit on pets, and everyone was able to bring home a wonderfully low maintenance pet rock!  This week we talked about apples and made some delicious applesauce.  Thank you for your apple contributions!  Our September color was red.  Ask your children to point out red things around the house or while you run errands.  We will begin October concentrating on farm life, and we just happened to have baby chicks in school this week!  It was lots of fun to take a trip up to the library to visit with a dozen, new-born, yellow balls of fluff.  We are looking forward to October when we will concentrate on farm life, Halloween, circles, and the color orange.  As always, thank you for sharing your children with me.

Hooper 3s:
Your children are busy making new friends and engaging in "creative play" together.  They are a very active and happy group which is a joy to see!  Last week we ate apples, painted with apples and made an apple tree while  learning  our favorite finger play, " Way Up High in the Apple Tree."  Today, we made a paper "pizza" with cheese and ROUND RED pepperoni's.  We then treated all of the 3's children to Pizza Mart's  pizza for snack (thank you Aamna, whose family owns Pizza Mart.) What a fun and yummy Friday we all had together.  Next week, we will begin October with ORANGE TRIANGLES; 'Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater' will be our nursery rhyme for the month! We continue to work on LETTER and NUMBER recognition and the children are being such good listeners at circle time....a great group of  3 Day 3's!

Libby 3s: 
Circles and red everywhere! The 5 days 3s have been working on making circle and red projects. We have made necklaces, headbands, ladybugs, pizzas, and the first page of our nursery rhyme book. We are getting ready for a pizza party Friday! We celebrated our first birthday, Ceci is 4! We have been talking about the chicks and are excited about them hatching. We have been enjoying the fall weather. Please remember we are outside everyday and the fall weather can be unpredictable. Feel free to leave an extra layer here or send in the backpack. 

Faint Pre-k:
We are falling right into the new season by carefully examining our grounds for signs of change- what awesome trees and plants we have here! Meanwhile, inside, the chicks have been a great hit with plenty of opportunities to talk about eggs, growing, sequencing, and animals in general. Letter C is keeping us busy with colors ,cutting, counting, clapping (patterns), and eating carrots. We will continue to explore Fall next week as well as look at letter D with dot to dots, dice, dreams and donuts. Free time favorites are the castle, the doll house and the blocks with boys and girls playing together. We are starting to practice writing, not worrying too much about size of letters or placement on the lines, but emphasizing starting at the top when forming the letters. We will have fun outside and hope you will find time to play outside with your little ones as well!

Loeb Pre-k:
Greetings from Mrs. Loeb's and Miss Sciuto's pre-k!  We have been busy learning the letter "Cc":  baking cookies, creating caterpillars, cutting up index cards, and watching chicks hatch. The weather has been cooler and we love being outside to get the wiggles and giggles out!  Lots of the girls are practicing on the monkey bars, checking out the rain garden (there was a monarch butterfly in there the other day!), and playing with the other pre-k class.  Story time is a favorite, so you all must be doing a great job at home-such good listeners! They have lots to contribute when we ask them their favorite part. We have our first five-year-old! - Brinley.  We loved having her mom and baby sister in the classroom for a birthday treat. And thanks to Grace and her mom we had double the goodies as they brought in rice krispie treats. Thank you for sending in chapel food, extra sweaters and returning picture forms. All our moms and dads are good listeners too!

We would like to start by giving a big THANK YOU to all of our kindergarten families. You have been getting your children to school on time, picking up on time, volunteering, checking and praising their work, and reading to them daily! Please continue to reinforce the letter sounds at home. So far we have worked on the identifying the letters/sounds " t, f, b, m, n, i, u". We are identifying the sight words, "a", "and", and "the" and practicing writing the numerals 1-10. We really appreciate all of your support and all that you do at home. You are awesome!

The Pre-first children have been working extremely hard on their
handwriting skills, phonics, beginning sounds, decoding skills and reading comprehension. We have focused on letter formations, alphabetical order, letter names and sounds as well as our short vowels and consonants. They are enthusiastic to become great readers and writers and our Writer's Workshop is off to a great start. In Math, we have been practicing our counting, number sense, place value and problem-solving skills. Pre-first has enjoyed the hatching process of the Baby Chicks. Most of the class predicted that egg #11 would hatch and it was egg #1 that hatched first.

Lunch Bunch: 
Lunch Bunch has been enjoying the more mild weather that has been brought by fall. We have been playing both indoor and outdoor games with Ms. Sciuto, we have done aerobics with Mrs. Wyatt, played instruments with Ms. Ball, used scooters with Mrs. Fenton and played Spanish games with Ms. Libby. We have been working on learning all of the Lunch Bunch
rules and getting used to longer days. The children have been enjoying learning how to use materials appropriately while doing fun projects that involve things such as beading, painting and collaging. We are looking forward to the many Halloween activities that we have planned for the month of October and have already begun to work on the songs for Halloween. Have a great weekend!


Office Notes

Admissions Update:
We begin accepting applications for new students  on October first. Priority is given to siblings of students and active parishioners. Priority families must submit applications by December 1. Re-enrollment forms will be mailed in late October for current students. Please click on the following link to download an application.
2017-2018 Application Form

Missing Forms:  If your child's file is missing required forms a copy has been put in the Friday Folder. Please complete the forms and return to school by Friday, October 14th.  

Baby Food Jars Needed:
Our art teacher, Karen Blair, is in need of small glass baby food jars. If you have some to donate, please send them in with your child. Thank you!

Saturday, October 1- 5 pm- St. Francis Blessing of the Animals Service

Friday, October 7- 11:45 -ALL SCHOOL DISMISSAL (Faculty Meeting)

Monday, October 10- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 18- 9 am -2s Parent Coffee- Hale Auditorium

Thursday October 20- 9 am - Pre-first Sneak Peek

Saturday, October 22- 10:30-1:00 Fall Family Festival! 

Program Highlights:
Quiver Egg Hatching Project

Redeemer students and teachers have spent the past two weeks playing mother hen! After a week of caring for the eggs by flipping them and monitoring the moisture and temperatures in the incubator, we were greeted by 12 healthy chicks! Our students have spent this week writing about them, l earning about the hatching process, listening to their tiny voices, making prediction graphs, and painting, coloring and creating  many different versions of baby chicks. Most importantly, all of our classes got to warmly greet and play with the new family. Peep! Peep!


In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!

Please visit our website

Interested in learning more about our 

Please visit:

http://www.redeemerbaltimore.or g/
to learn more about 
The Church of the Redeemer



Community News

Church of the Redeemer

St. Francis Blessing of the Animals

Saturday, October 1

This Saturday, October 1 is our annual Blessing of the Animals. Bring your pet or a favorite stuffed animal or a photograph or other remembrance of a beloved pet to Faith@Five for worship and a blessing. This is a fun and meaningful service honoring the special place that our pets hold (or have held) in our lives. We will gather in St. Paul's Courtyard (facing Melrose Ave.) for this service.  The Baltimore SPCA will also join us for this special service.

Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Mary Knott, Director