"Good manners are your beauty." -Imam Ali
e-RPDS                                                                                            03/08/2018
Letter from the Director
Dear Redeemer Community,

Last week, Riley, one of our three year old students, was packing up his backpack from Lunch Bunch when he entered my office carrying a turquoise piece of paper. He presented it to me as if he was carrying a tray holding the Crown Jewels. Riley looked at me with the seriousness that only a preschooler could muster over an 8 by 8 piece of paper and said, "Mrs. Knott, look at what's in my backpack." He brought it to my desk so I could see his treasure, "The Top 25 Manners Kids Should Know."
Riley and I began to go through some of them together. "It is important to say thank you, please, and excuse me. Don't call people mean names. The world isn't interested in what you don't like. Always offer to help. Do favors with a smile. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze," and my favorite, "Don't pick your nose in public." - though I might add in private too!

I asked questions, we chatted about his paper and he nodded a lot, reinforcing to me that he really thought, "This is important stuff." Sometimes we forget just how important the basics are. I think Riley was onto something when he entered my office. Maybe he knew he really was carrying the Crown Jewels.

With smiles, all of us at Redeemer wish you lots of pleases, thank yous and a wonderful spring break with your families!
Best regards,

Classroom Updates:

Mrs. Barta's Pre-first:
ROAR, ROAR, Dinosaur! The Pre-first children have turned into
paleontologists and are becoming experts on dinosaurs. We have compared 
a variety of dinosaurs, measured dinosaurs, read dinosaur books, studied 
fossils, painted dinosaurs and written and illustrated our very own 
dinosaur journals. If you need to know anything about a dinosaur, ask a 
pre-first expert.
In language arts, we have been working on accuracy, fluency and 
automaticity with independent reading. We have been learning about 
closed syllables as well as vowel teams and how putting two vowels 
together creates a different sound. Calculators were introduced in Math 
last week and the children have enjoyed adding numbers using a 
calculator. We have practiced our talley marks, data collection and 
graphing as well.
Have a wonderful spring break with your family!!!

Mrs. Smith's & Mrs's Vandenberg's Kindergartens:
Kindergarten is all about the dinosaurs! We are finishing a two week unit on our study of dinosaurs. We learned everything from what the dinosaurs ate, to how they looked, and what might have happened to them. The students were very good paleontologists and learned and shared a lot of information.
We are discussing how to recall details from a story and beginning, middle, and end of a story. While reading to your child, please remember to ask them to make predictions about the story and talk about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end.   
In language arts, we are working on sounding out words and also on "Magic e". This means that we are sounding out words with "e" on the end. Your child should be able to tell you how Magic e gives the vowel all of its power and is left with no sound. The vowel is transformed to say its own name. In math, we are continuing word problems and exploring 3 dimensional shapes. Look for these shapes as you are out and about! 
We hope you have a restful, healthy, and fun spring break! We can't wait to see your children when they return.

Mrs. Faint & Mrs. Baker's Pre-k:
Well, last week we took down our big snowman bulletin board because he hadn't brought us any snow! Your child should be deciding each day if it is a lion (winter coat) or lamb day and hopefully by the end of the month we all will be wearing spring jackets.We finished S by asking students to fill out an order form for a super sundae to eat at snack time. The grass seeds that your child sowed have sprouted so will be coming home in a paper cup and can be planted in your yard. We talked about T getting to be at the beginning and end of many words. We did an activity with texture in class so it would be fun and vocabulary enriching to examine different textures in your home. Don't forget to play Tic Tac To - strategy, learning how to be a gracious winner as well as a cheerful loser are all great lessons from the simple game!
We will miss Grace who is moving to California. Though the rest of you may not have California adventures, enjoy family time wherever you spend Spring break!

Mrs. Loeb & Mrs. Vahedi's Pre-k:
Hello from Mrs. Loeb's and Mrs. Vahedi's Pre-K! The weather is not cooperating! The letter "S" had to be carried over to Monday, and "T" is now getting very short shrift! We hope you all have power and heat, and that no one suffered any damage. The tree near the Church lost a huge branch but the children loved watching it cut down!
 "S" was a fun letter with snakes and sundaes, singing and "sassafrass"- we counted 5 s's!!! The letter "T" and March have provided us with lots of entertainment so far. We made turtles for our Alphabet page, taped numbers on the table and matched cubes, and have practiced tip-toing around the classroom. Mrs. Vahedi played John Phillip Sousa on her phone and we 'marched' around the school. Using our Lion/Lamb puppets we have been classifying the weather. So far Lion weather is winning! Kara and I hope you have a lovely and restful spring break and come back refreshed and ready for spring! We are more than ready for some "Lamb" weather!

Mrs. Hooper & Mrs. Grieve's 3s:
Your children have enjoyed our exciting and active 5 Senses Unit!  This is always a favorite as it includes many fun activities that use our senses.  This week we concentrated on smell, taste and sight.  Our Coffee Bears and Old Bay Crabs were an aromatic hit.  Salty, sweet, sour and chocolatey treats were tasted on Thursday...the children could hardly wait for their turn to taste test...popcorn, pickles, Hershey kisses, sour patch kids and potato chips...yummy!!  Today, each child created an artistic sculpture using their sense of SIGHT.  Our March colors are white and black, our shape is an oval and our nursery rhyme is appropriately, Humpty Dumpty.  CIRCLETIME continues to include much discussion and reinforcement of...rhyming, counting, letters, numbers, shapes and colors.  Small motor skills are strengthening as the children color, practice with pencils and cut out shapes with their scissors!  We are all looking forward to sunny and warmer days to exercise those gross motor skills on the playground.  After Spring break , we will have 5 days of Easter activities followed by our Transportation Unit!  Have an enjoyable week and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on the 21st!

Miss Ball & Mrs. Schroeder's 3s:
The 5 Day 3s are driving into March with our transportation unit! We have begun studying cars, signs, and how we get around town. We took a driver's test on the trikes and thankfully everyone passed! We have been discussing signs this week. When you are driving with your child see if they can identify any road signs and what the signs mean. We will be making various types of transportation, planes, trains, cars,and even some traffic lights. We are also planning a imaginary trip to a location of the children's choosing. The children suggested places to go, then voted and chose Jamaica! Sadly, it's just pretend! Be on the look out for further information about our class trip! 
We have also extended our All About Me unit. The children have been examining who they are and what makes them different and special! In doing this we are working on how to use our fine motor skills to draw objects the represent real people, places and things. 
They say that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. With that in mind please remember to check you child's cubby for extra clothes! Many children are in need of more clothing and or weather appropriate clothing. We are having lots of fun on the playground as well as in the mud. This is likely to continue throughout the rainy spring. With the varying weather we also need clothes for both warm and cool weather. Thank you to all of our parents for everything that you do! Have a wonderful spring break!

Mrs. Arrup & Mrs. Yanegs's 2s:
We are moving into Spring in our classroom even though it does not feel like spring with this snow! During March, we will focus on the colors black and white, rectangles, Dr. Suess, St Patrick's Day and Easter. During circle time we have read and discussed quite a few Dr. Suess books; focusing on rhyming words. Our activities during circle time have included memory games and identifying common attributes by playing, "What's in Ned's Head?". Our art activities have incorporated painting, dotting a love bird, gluing stripes on Dr. Suess's hat and decorating a balloon with rectangles that we can soar away in! It is always a joy to have your children in our classroom and Mrs. Yanega and I wish you a restful, peaceful spring break!

Mrs. Wyatt & Mrs. Zuidema's 2s:
The Wyatt/Zuidema Twos had a fantastic February. We enjoyed growing donuts and painting hearts. Our week of Olympic Games was a huge success, and all of the children deserved the gold medals they received. We started March with a. Dr. Seuss theme and hot air balloons, oh the places we will go! We have also been matching the fox's socks. When we return from Spring break, we will start our unit on weather. We will also celebrate Easter. Look for a sign up to help us make our egg hunt a success. Story Time with the Twos also starts after the break. We would be thrilled if you would share your time with us. As always, thank you for sharing your children with us. 

Lunch Bunch: 
Lunch Bunch has been keeping busy. We really enjoyed the Winter Olympics and made the wall hanging rings for the Hale, where we played Olympic Games. We also made some Olympic posters that were used throughout the school. We did Olympic yoga, balloon race games and played parachute and bean bag toss. Whew! We celebrated Mardi Gras by making masks and having pancakes. They sure were a hit!   We also had a Mardi Gras parade with instruments. Lunch Bunch had a couple of really warm days and were able to get some extra playtime to make up for the cold weather that came next! We also have been working on new bulletin boards. We made mailboxes and valentines for February and March will have a colorful rainbow and pot of gold. We will go on a shamrock hunt and do some painting with shades of green and make rainbows. We have been taking advantage of the STEM room, library, and playing in all the different rooms. Lunch bunch has worked hard and earned their upcoming spring break. 
Office Notes


Friday, March 9th- 11:45 ALL SCHOOL DISMISSAL - Spring Break begins.

Monday, March 19th- School Resumes

Friday, March 30th- No School- Easter Break

Monday, April 2- No School- Easter Break

Friday, April  6th-11:45 ALL SCHOOL DISMISSAL - Faculty Meeting

Friday, April 13th- 7 pm- Spring Auction & Social!

Program Highlights:
Pedal for Pediatrics @ Redeemer

Last year we set a goal to grow our charity trike ride, Pedal for Pediatrics @ Redeemer, and invited other area preschools to join our efforts in supporting pediatric cancer research at Johns Hopkins. We are excited to announce that four other preschools will host Pedal for Pediatric trike rides this year, and we look forward to watching this number grow. This week WMAR Channel 2 came to Redeemer to film a short video to be used as an educational and promotional tool for preschool students throughout Baltimore. We look forward to sharing the video with our families when it is ready. If you know of a preschool that might like to participate, please contact the school office. Together we can all make a big difference!  
In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!


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Good Manners
Community News

Redeemer Speaker Series
Wednesday, March 14th

In 1992, Tim Phillips co-founded Beyond Conflict, a pioneering resolution and reconciliation initiative that has positively affected democracy around the world. Beyond Conflict has achieved international recognition for its contributions to the Northern Ireland peace process, national reconciliation in El Salvador and Nicaragua, the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, and its catalytic role in helping launch the field of transitional justice. In the private sector, Mr. Phillips wa s a founder of Ener gia Global International Ltd. (EGI), which led the development and operation of privately owned renewable energy facilities in Central and South America in the early 1990s.
March 21."We can rewire our brains to stop violence."

Click   here to learn more about the Redeemer Speaker Series.

Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210

Mary Knott, Director