Summer Kickoff Event
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Clayton’s last Friday for our Summer Kickoff event! We enjoyed burgers, played cornhole and basketball, and relaxed around the bonfire together. It was fantastic spending time with each of you and deepening our connections. These moments of community within our church family are vital for our growth and unity as a young adult group and church body.
I really look forward to more opportunities like this in the future. My prayer is that as we bond through such events, we also deepen our relationship with Jesus. Ultimately, I hope that these gatherings serve to strengthen the body of Christ!
A Challenge
We tend to segment our church community in different ways, often by age. However, this compartmentalization doesn’t quite align with the vision Paul shared nearly 2000 years ago in 1 Corinthians 12:12: “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” Indeed, Paul envisioned a unified church body where each member contributes to the greater mission of advancing Jesus’ Kingdom here on Earth!
Last weekend, I sent out an email to the church body issuing an invitation to personally invest in the 18-30 age group at RRC. So… as I challenged the older generations in my recent email, I also want to challenge you. In what ways are you participating in and seeking to serve the Body of Christ? How much of your spiritual life is focused solely on receiving or consuming, rather than giving or serving?
I encourage you to look for opportunities to do more than just receive. Perhaps on a Sunday morning, you could look around for someone outside your age group who looks lonely and resolve to be a friend. The Christian walk is about so much more than just an intellectual understanding of who Jesus is and why He came. It’s also about being empowered by Jesus to be His hands and feet, to be salt and light, in a world that desperately needs a Savior!
I would love to chat with anyone looking for ways to better serve the Body of Christ. Let's find a way to connect you with the RRC vision!
“So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Romans 12:5).