Hey folks,
March is suddenly here and temperatures are on the rise! What a beautiful week we have to start off the month and a reminder that Spring is just around the corner.
First, the Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) is finally back in-person at the historic Visulite Theatre here in Charlotte NC. Thanks to Jesse Brown’s Outdoors for hosting this special event each year. Please purchase your tickets via FlyFilmTour.com and support our local vendors and clubs onsite at the event.
Next, we have numerous streamside day trips coming up so please stay tuned to our events calendar on the RRTU website (RockyRiverTU.org). Upcoming destinations include Stone Mountain, wild water, and the Green River. The ladies from Women on the Fly are starting things off right with a gathering this weekend at the Mitchell River.
Meanwhile, please SAVE THE DATE for our annual Friends of Rocky River Celebration on May 5th at Park Road Park! We plan to kick off virtual fundraising efforts over the next two months and we need your help. As you all know, FORR typically helps drive the necessary funds which allow us to give back to so many wonderful conservation projects, like-minded organizations, and programs throughout the year.
Tight Lines,
Greg Record
President, Rocky River Chapter of Trout Unlimited