Dear RSU 21 Families,

On Friday, our school community wore blue in solidarity with Lewiston. KHS students also met on the field and formed the letter "L" and hearts with their hands to show our support. These simple acts ground us and remind us of our connections to our greater community across Maine. We continue to keep the victims and families in our thoughts and prayers.

I hope through this weekend we all remind ourselves of how fortunate we are to have such a close-knit and caring community. We are indeed Better Together.

Much Love,

Terri I. Cooper, Ed.D.

RSU 21 Superintendent

Superintendent's Video Message for Nov. 3rd

What's Happening (11/06/23 - 11/14/23)

Monday, November 6th

School Board Meeting | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 9th

Finance Committee | 8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

Tuesday, November 14th

Communications Committee | 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, November 16th

Human Resources | 8:15 - 9:45 a.m.

Monday, November 20th

School Board Meeting | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, November 22nd

No School for Students

Thursday, November 23rd

Thanksgiving - No School

Friday, November 24th

No School

(Full Calendar)

RSU 21 is Lewiston Strong ❤️

A Letter from the Assistant Superintendent on the Maine Through Year Assessment:

Click Here to Read

KHS Students Earn Leadership Positions in Maine Youth Government

For the first time since 2016, several Kennebunk High School students have made leadership positions for Maine Youth in Government. These students were among 200+ nominated statewide. Congratulations!

Calvin Johnson

Advocate on Supreme Court & Candidate for Youth Governor

Evan Mills

Senate Chairman of Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee

Robert Jacanin

Senate Chairman of Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee

Eva McDonald

House Chairwoman of Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee

Oliver Boxall

House Chairman of Innovation, Development Economic Advancement

Sam Jacanin

Sargent at Arms

Kathryn Manning

Secretary of State

Spamalot at KHS November 2nd - 5th

Tickets Available Here

Class of 2026 Wreath Fundraiser

Click Here to Order Wreaths

Please Order by November 10th to secure your order. 

KES Operation Gratitude Underway

The 13th annual Operation Gratitude runs through December 15th. Families can make and donate hand-made scarves and hats, which then become part of a care package for U.S. Service members who are serving through the holidays. Donations should be sealed in zip-lock bags and dropped off in the entrance vestibule at Kennebunk Elementary School.

KHS Alternative Education Teachers Present in Tampa

KHS Alt-Ed Teachers Jacquelyn Holmes and Edward Sharood presented at the National Alternative Education Association conference in Tampa, Florida last week.

"Our presentation focused on our process for developing and fostering connections with community partners and how these connections are embedded into our Alt Ed curriculum," Holmes said, "and throughout the presentation we told stories of our students' work in the community and highlighted our partnerships Kennebunkport Conservation Trust, Kiuna Community Gardeners, and the countless community members who have been mentors and shared their expertise with our students over the past ten years."

"The opportunity to share our Alt Ed model and story with teachers and school leaders from all over the country felt so special and energizing. We were proud to represent this community at the conference and will continue to seek opportunities to share the magic of Alt Ed with more folks in the future," she said.

CLICK HERE For the M.L.Day Allied Arts News for October 
More Resources from the KES Counseling Team

KHS T-RAMS: Shopping, Cookin', Serving & Smiling

Last week, students working with Transition Resources and Management Services (T-RAMS) researched a recipe and went grocery shopping, looking for the most economical and healthy ingredients (lower fat, less sodium, and high fiber).

On Wednesday, they cooked a hearty and delicious tortellini, vegetable, and chicken sausage soup. Baked goods were provided by Paula Reetz’s RISE program. Students decorated the teachers' room for lunch and served the meal. Assistant Special Education Director, Will Putnam, was one of the honored guests*. Students made floral arrangements that were raffled off. After lunch, KHS “Cheer Walkers” hit the road to spread some cheer on Intervale Road.

(*Additional faculty attendees: Greg Smith, Dave Cimato, Andy Young, Isabel Dumas, Jason Kenuk, and Donna Lindgren). 

German Cultural Exchange Program Application Available to KHS Students

Apply Here


MPA Class B South Football Semi-Final at KHS

Monday, November 6th at 6:00 p.m.

#1 Kennebunk vs #4 Westbrook

Need some fan gear? Show your Rams pride by visiting the online apparel store. Let's go Rams!

Helpful Links

District Contact Information

2023-2024 School Calendar

Job Postings

Community Resources

In a moment of crisis, you do not have to be alone.

Sometimes you need a conversation--not an internet search.

Dial 2-1-1 for the Maine Hotline. This service can help with issues like acute crisis, financial assistance, mental health, addiction treatment, health care, or heating and utilities assistance. Additionally, the national Suicide Hotline is 9-8-8.

Here is a list of more resources available to everyone throughout our district and beyond.

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Regional School Unit 21

Arundel • Kennebunk • Kennebunkport
