Dear RSU 21 Families,

Happy Friday!

As noted in our summary schedule below and in a note from our Finance Committee Chair, the District's next steps in the 2025 budget process continue next week with Cost Center Presentations.

The audio and video upgrades in the board are now complete, meaning we can once again hold in-person meetings! The options to watch the live stream of our meetings or participate via ZOOM will still be available moving forward.

Have a great weekend!

Much Love,

Terri I. Cooper, Ed.D.

RSU 21 Superintendent

What's Happening (2/12/24 - 2/23/24)

Monday, February 12th

FY25 Budget Cost Center Presentations | 7:30 - 10:15 a.m.

Tuesday, February 13th

FY25 Budget Cost Center Presentations | 7:30 - 10:45 a.m.

Tuesday, February 13th

Communications | 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 14th

FY25 Budget Cost Center Presentations | 7:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, February 15th

Human Resources | 8:15 - 9:45 a.m.

(Full Calendar)

KCS Centers Food & Music for Black History Month

A Message From the Finance Committee Chair on Upcoming Budget Process

As we start the next phase of budget development, we need our community members' attention and participation.

The question at hand: how best can we serve the needs of district staff and supply professional learning opportunities that result in success for our students while maintaining and improving our infrastructure and technology?

Starting on February 12, 2024, we will hear three days of cost center budget presentations starting on 2/12  at 7:15 a.m., and 2/13 and 2/14 at 7:30 a.m. We hope you can take advantage of this so that you will have the same information provided to the committee.  

Next, the finance committee will meet to discuss the presentations to prepare a first read of the budget to the full School Board on March 18, 2024. This will be an agenda item for discussion. The first read with any recommendations or requests will go back to the finance committee for preparation for a public forum on April 1, 2024. At this time, the full School Board can consider both increases and decreases to the final budget preparation.

Then the budget goes back to the finance committee for discussion in preparation for presentation to the full School Board for a second read at which time there will be a motion to move the budget forward to the first of a two-step process.

The Monday, May 6, 2024 School Board meeting will be given over to the District Budget meeting. This provides the opportunity for the public to request cuts to cost centers, but the budget may not be increased at this point. A vote in favor of the budget as presented or amended will then go to the voters in each town (Arundel, Kennebunk and Kennebunkport) for the Tuesday, June 11, 2024 ballot. The article will read as follows:

“Do you favor approving the Regional School Unit No. 21 budget for the upcoming school year that was adopted at the latest Regional School Unit Budget meeting?”

We hope that you will be an informed voter who has observed and/or participated in the process and will support this article.

Thank you,

Gayle Asmussen Spofford, on behalf of the Finance Committee of RSU 21

MSK-KHS Debate Team Celebration on Monday, February 12th

The MSK Debate Team and co-coaches, Library Media Specialist Sara Clinehens and 6th grade ELA teacher Lucy Hunt, are hosting the KHS Debate Team as part of a joint celebration for the end of the season. At the event, KHS team members will be serving as judges for a debate round among the MSK members. MSK Debate Team will be using the skills they have learned this season as they debated middle school teams from Falmouth and Cape Elizabeth. KHS Debate Coach Emily Kahn and her team of students will demonstrate the congressional debate format that is used in competitions in a scrimmage match. 

MSK Debate Team End of Season Celebration

Monday, February 12th

MSK Library

2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Weekly Attendance

*ADA = Average Daily Attendance


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- Here are the latest sports schedules-

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