RSVP Digest

Escambia County

August 2023

Volume 2: Issue 2

What is AmeriCorps Seniors?

Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

Last month we explored, "What is AmeriCorps?" This month we are going to drill a bit deeper and examine, "What is AmeriCorps Seniors?"

AmeriCorps Seniors is open to individuals 55 and better who want to positively impact their community through service. The program’s motto is “Make Giving Back Your Second Act.”

AmeriCorps Seniors has three core programs: (1) Senior Companion; (2) Foster Grandparent; and (3) Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). In Escambia County, the Council on Aging of West Florida manages the first two initiatives while the United Way of West Florida coordinates the third.

All three programs are underwritten with federal funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service. Funding is awarded through a competitive grant process and requires a local match. The Senior Companion and Foster Grandparent programs, however, are very different from RSVP.

Senior Companions and Foster Grandparents live on a limited income and volunteer an average of 20 hours per week. They receive a small financial stipend plus supplemental insurance, help with transportation and meal costs, an annual physical examination, and position-specific training. A key program objective is improving the volunteers' financial well-being while they serve their communities. More specifically:

Senior Companions support an older adult who needs help with shopping, light housekeeping, cooking and other daily tasks so they can be independent longer. They also provide respite for family caregivers.

Foster Grandparents serve at the day care, public school, Head Start, or after-school program of their choice. Volunteers help children develop the skills, confidence, and strength to succeed in life by experiencing the consistent love of a Foster Grandparent.

RSVP volunteers, on the other hand, do not receive a stipend but they have significantly more flexibility regarding service sites and the number of hours served. Like all AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers, they have a heart for service and a willingness to serve their neighbors and community.

Next month, we are going to explore the RSVP program in Escambia County in detail. Please stay tuned! I can also answer questions before then. Contact me at to learn more.

Fun Fact

Every year over 140,000 AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer

at partner organizations throughout the United States.

Lunch and Learn on August 23

Continuing Education: Our History & Your Future

1000 College Boulevard - Building 96

Folks who are 55 and better are invited to join the Escambia County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for our August Lunch & Learn at Pensacola State College (PSC). Tricia Sheridan, Coordinator of Continuing Education, will host the program "Continuing Education: Our History and Your Future."

According to Tricia, you don't have to be a history major (or even attending college) to enjoy this interesting historical review of Pensacola State College's

Continuing Education Department. You will learn why this department is vital to the life of the college and surrounding community.

Tricia's history lesson will then lead into the coming Fall 2023 schedule which is full of educational, fun, meaningful, and affordable classes. Don't worry though! You will not be quizzed at the end of her presentation!

This program is free of charge but pre-registration is required by noon on Friday, August 18. Please set up an account if you don't have one to pre-register through "Get Connected," the online volunteer management platform at the United Way of West Florida.

Register for Lunch via Get Connected

Volunteer Spotlight: Stuff the Bus

UWWF and community partners collected school supplies at Walmart Super Centers on July 20. RSVP supported this initiative by staffing a morning shift at the Walmart on Crieghton Road.

Stuff the Bus is the only supply drive approved by the school districts in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. This program ensures local students have the tools needed to succeed in the upcoming school year.

Thank you to the AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers and their colleagues who served: Leigh Ann Fowlkes; Amy Gandy; Marla Hecht; Donna Hoffbauer; Vickie Jacob; Peyton McKnight; Barbara McNeil; and Emily Sheehan.

Community Partner Spotlight:

City of Pensacola

Forty-nine people attended the RSVP Lunch and Learn program hosted by the City of Pensacola at the Bayview Senior Center. Thank you to the team of city employees who made this day both educational and fun while filling our tummies with pizza!

Participants learned the ins-and-outs of parking downtown including how to use the city's parking app and how to pay for parking at a kiosk. The Senior Games were also promoted along with various programs offered at the Bayview Senior Center.

This event is the beginning of on-going collaborative programming between RSVP and the Bayview Senior Center.

Photo: Lissa Dees - Director of Parking; Addie Quina - Recreation Supervisor

@ Bayview Senior Center; Tonya Byrd - Interim Parks and Recreation Director;

and Jeremy Street - Program Coordinator @ Bayview Senior Center.

PowerPoint - Parking in Pensacola

Hurricane Preparedness & Seniors*

As we enter the most active part of hurricane season, it is increasingly crucial to prioritize the safety and well-being of older adults.

While residents within the hurricane belt typically have access to resources and information to prepare, it is important to recognize many older adults may not have the ability or support to be storm-ready.

According to AAPR, 61 out of 87 people killed by Hurricane Ian in Florida last fall were at least 60 years old. Eighteen were in their 80s, and five were in their 90s. Older adults who lack physical mobility or live alone can be heavily impacted from hurricanes which puts them at a higher risk than others. 

Whether they evacuate or stay put, hurricanes pose significant challenges for older adults, especially those living with Alzheimer's and other dementias. They may have limited mobility, rely on specific medications, or face difficulties evacuating quickly due to various circumstances.

That's why Home Instead has compiled essential tips to help older adults and their families stay safe and prepared during hurricane events: 


  • Create a plan together. Develop a plan of action and discuss shelter and evacuation options with trustworthy individuals in your area, such as neighbors, caregivers and friends. 

  • Stay on alert. Once a storm is identified, be sure to monitor local radio and television stations, or an emergency management office to remain updated on any new weather patterns. 

  • Give yourself time. Get to your shelter or evacuation site early enough to be settled into your new environment before the Hurricane hits. 

  • Assemble a kit. Have at least three days’ worth of non-perishable food, water and supplies such as a battery powered radio, flashlight, portable cell phone battery pack, and medications with instructions. 

  • Create a chain of contacts. Compile a list and have multiple copies of important contacts, including your support network, doctors, and other healthcare professionals along with a communication plan. 


  • Create a home inventory. Keep a detailed list of your belongings, including receipts and visual evidence, to expedite claims, support tax deductions, or aid applications for disaster assistance.  

  • Ask for help. If your older loved one is far away, reach out to family, friends, or professional caregiving services for assistance and create a plan on how to keep in frequent communication during a storm. 

* Thank you to Marla Hecht at VITAS Healthcare for sharing this article.

Marla is an RSVP Advisory Council member and VITAS is a new RSVP volunteer station.

72-Hour Disaster Preparedness Kit

Annual Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!


"Coming of Age" Magazine

Thanks to our sponsor and Ballinger Press, we are able to promote RSVP

in their quarterly lifestyle magazine for seniors "Coming of Age."

See page 12 of the Summer 2023 edition for current RSVP programming.

Visit the RSVP Website