RSVP Digest

Escambia County

April 2023

Volume 1: Issue 10

Welcome to Spring

Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

April is National Volunteer Month—a time to celebrate the impact volunteers have on our lives, our community, our nation, and the world. It is also a time to encourage others to become engaged through volunteering.

I am grateful for every AmeriCorps Seniors member. You are addressing vital challenges in our community-- food insecurity, financial stability, education and veteran support.


It is my privilege to announce two more organizations have agreed to become stations. Both focus on education. The first is Escambia County Public Schools Foundation where one volunteer is doing background research for grants.


The second is Continuing Education at Pensacola State College. Volunteers will support children ages 6-12 attending Kids College on campus this summer. The objective is to create positive educational experiences. There will be more details about this opportunity in the RSVP Mid-Month Blast so stay tuned.

This month I am also excited to welcome Ears 2 Hear as the new RSVP Quarterly Lunch Sponsor. They are a family owned and operated business with hearing centers in Pensacola, Gulf Breeze and Milton. Thank you to Dean Easterwood and his team!

One-Time Service Opportunities*

*Click links below for more details!

Prepare Egg-cellent ABC Kits


Pre-K Students / ReadingPals

Tuesday, April 11

Wednesday, April 12

10 AM to 1 PM

At UWWF Community Room

1301 West Government Street

Sort Dry & Canned Goods


Manna Food Pantries

Wednesday, May 17

9 AM to Noon

At Manna Main Office

3030 North E Street

Save the Dates: Lunch and Learn*

Tuesday, April 25

VITAS Virtual Dementia Experience

The Blake at Pensacola - 428 Airport Boulevard 

Friday, May 12

Hurricane Safety

Escambia County Public Safety - 6575 North W Street - Pensacola

Wednesday, June 21

Heart Health: Life's Essential 8

Florida Blue Center - 1680 Airport Boulevard - Pensacola

*All events at 11 AM to 1 PM

Volunteer Spotlight: Incredible Kids

Thank you to the volunteers who participated in a service project to celebrate AmeriCorps Week. On March 14 and 15, they sorted and prepared letters for delivery to "Absolutely Incredible Kids" at six elementary schools in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties.

Volunteers included: McKenzie Cooper, Carrie Griffith, Shawna Hayes, Tony Hayes, Mary Ellen Lett, Diane Stafford, and Kathy Whittington. This project is an annual initiative of Camp Fire and was coordinated locally by Tammy Byrer, Program Director at Camp Fire Gulf Wind. (On far left in both photos).

Community Partner Spotlight:

CDAC Behavioral Healthcare

The March Lunch and Learn program was at CDAC Behavioral Healthcare. Denise Manassa, Director of Community Prevention, presented a workshop on "Prescription Drug Safety for Seniors." She also discussed the negative impact opioids and fentanyl are having on our community.

Copies of two of her handouts are available at the links below:

CDAC is the primary community behavioral health resource for substance abuse, prevention, and intervention for Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton Counties. They develop and provide educational programs and services on tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs to promote positive lifestyle choices for our community.

New Quarterly Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!


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