RSVP Digest

Escambia County

February 2023

Volume 1: Issue 8


Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

February is a month bridging winter into spring. It is a time of transition when the promise of hope and new life is around the corner. February is the perfect time to mention a recent transition in the RSVP program--the reboot of the RSVP Advisory Council.

The Council met for the first time since the pandemic on January 20, 2023. The group is comprised of 12 representatives including RSVP AmeriCorps Seniors members, staff from volunteer stations, and community representatives.

Their purpose is to provide guidance for the RSVP program. This includes recommending lunch speakers, service projects, and member recruitment strategies. They also work together to ensure RSVP policies and procedures are appropriate for both volunteers and the sites where they serve.

Thank you to those who have volunteered to serve on the RSVP Advisory Council. There are still a few openings on this leadership team. Email me if you would like to join us at the next quarterly meeting on Wednesday, April 26.

Upcoming Lunch and Learn

USO . . . Home Away from Home

RSVP members and their guests 55 and better are invited to a Lunch and Learn at Pensacola International Airport on Wednesday, March 1. The event will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the conference room on the second floor.

Staff from the USO of Northwest Florida will provide: (1) Overview of the organization's founding and mission. (2) Presentations on the three Service Centers in Escambia County. (3) Tour of the USO facility at the airport.

RSVP partners with the USO of Northwest Florida. They are a service site where AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers can serve. Click the button for more information and to pre-register for the event via Get Connected.


Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

RSVP AmeriCorps Seniors members in Escambia County collected new blankets and gently-used suitcases for children in foster care. This project was held in conjunction with Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. A total of 37 blankets, nine suitcases, and 22 string backpacks were delivered to the Currie House Youth Shelter of Lutheran Services Florida.

Photo by Jed Dembowski, UWWF Director of Marketing

Left Side / Front Row: Janet McCoy (sign) – UWWF RSVP Manager; Jamie Lapointe – LSF Outreach; and Kay Hunter - LSF Counseling Supervisor. Back Row: Julia Helton – UWWF Vista Volunteer; Kornichia Wilson - LSF Youth Care Specialist II; Reatha Smith - LSF Life Skills Coach; Donna Bakermattson - LSF Admin II; and Howard Jordan - LSF Senior Admin. Right Side: Michael Raught - LSF Youth Care Specialist III; Kevin Thomas – LSF SNAP Coordinator; and Mary White – UWWF Development Manager. Background: KIA Forte from KIA Autosport of Pensacola for the 2023 UWWF Donor Giveaway.

Station Spotlight: ReadyKids!

Ruthie Noel, Executive Director

Congratulations Ruthie Noel.

Independent News recently selected Ruthie as a 2023 Rising Star in their Inweekly publication. According to the editors, this award recognizes "up-and-coming leaders" who will be "game-changers" in our community, region and beyond.

Ruthie is the Executive Directive at ReadyKids! whose mission is to prepare every child in Escambia County for day one of kindergarten. This nonprofit organization is a volunteer station for RSVP members who serve as ReadingPals mentors at six pre-K service sites.

Volunteer Spotlight:

Jackie McKinley - THANK YOU! 

Meet Jackie McKinley, an RSVP AmeriCorps Seniors member, who has become a "Jill of All Trades" in the UWWF office. She serves three days a week for three hours each day.

Jackie supports internal projects such as auditing UWWF campaign envelopes and wrapping RSVP volunteer recognition gifts.

Her service also supports two RSVP volunteer stations. During tax season, Jackie is calling clients to confirm their VITA appointments. In this photo, she is counting school supplies that will be donated to the ReadingPals program for pre-K students.

A Financial Health Tip:

Avoiding Gift Card Scams

Keep your money safe from scammers by avoiding gift card scams. Scammers want you to pay with gift cards because they’re like cash.

What does this scam look like? According to the Federal Trade Commission, these scammers may:

  • Call and tell you they’re from a government agency and you owe taxes or a fine.
  • Pretend to be a family member or friend who is in trouble and immediately needs money.
  • Say you’ve won a prize but ask you to pay fees or other charges to receive your reward. 

Additional signs of a scam include: 

  • Pressuring you to act quickly, so you don’t have time to think or talk to someone you trust.  
  • Telling you which gift card to buy and/or tell you to put money on a Google Play, Target, or iTunes gift card.
  • Asking for the gift card number and PIN so they can steal the money you loaded on the card. 

If you have paid a scammer with a gift card, tell the company that issued the card right away. Keep the card and find any receipts you have. Report gift card scams to the FTC at .

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