RSVP Digest

Escambia County

January 2023

Volume 1: Issue 7

Happy New Year!

Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

I hope each of you connected with family and friends during the holidays, and the season was filled with happiness, health and warmth.

As we move into 2023, I am excited to announce some of the major RSVP activities for the first quarter of the New Year.

There will be three Lunch and Learn events in the first quarter. They will be held at various locations throughout Escambia County. I am grateful our community partners are willing to host these events at their sites since the United Way of West Florida is preparing to move to a new location this spring.

Escambia County RSVP is also hosting a service project in January in honor of Martin Luther King Junior Day. We are collecting gently-used suitcases and new blankets for Currie House, an affiliate of Lutheran Services Florida. These items will be distributed to children in the foster care system.

In 2023, RSVP is poised to continue making our community a better place to live. Significant strides are made whenever AmeriCorps Senior members give of their time and talent to the nonprofit agencies in Escambia County.

Thank you for supporting our neighbors! Wishing you the best in 2023!

RSVP Lunch and Learn: Click to Register

Addressing Food Insecurity at Manna Food Bank

Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:30 AM to 1 PM

USO: Home Away from Home at Pensacola International Airport

Wednesday, March 1 @ 10:30 AM to 1 PM

Prescription Drug Safety for Seniors at CDAC Behavioral Healthcare

Thursday, March 30 @ 10:30 AM to 1 PM

Volunteer Spotlight: Barbara Sawyer

Lunch & Learn

June 29, 2022

Making Table Favors

UWWF Day of Caring

October 7, 2022

Little Free Libraries

Lunch & Learn

August 24, 2022

Sorting Library Books

Barbara Sawyer has been an active member of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for over eight years--since December of 2014. She supports our community by serving at the Pensacola Humane Society and the USO at Naval Air Station - Pensacola where she typically greets military members at the front desk.

Unlike many RSVP members, Barbara was able to continue volunteering through the pandemic since her service sites remained open. She has also been active in the recent reboot of RSVP Lunch and Learn events and one-day service activities like UWWF's Day of Caring.

RSVP Manager Janet McCoy said, "Barbara's organizational knowledge and support of RSVP have been critical to our success during the reboot. I look forward to working with her as a member of the Advisory Board in 2023."

Community Partner Spotlight:

Epps Christian Center & Pastor Tisdale

A good time was had by all at the RSVP Holiday Party on December 14, 2022. Good fellowship, fun and food were important parts of this end-of-the-year celebration.

Finger foods were catered by EPPS Christian Center. Pastor Sylvia Tisdale (left) delivered the goodies to the UWWF Community Room.

More Holiday Party Photos

Volunteer Opportunity:

VITA Greeters & Tax Preparers

What is VITA? Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

United Way of West Florida provides tax preparation assistance to families in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties with low to moderate income. This service is 100% free to those qualified for income tax preparation assistance thanks to VITA volunteers.

Last year, local taxpayers saved $108,325 in preparation fees and received over $1,088,000 in tax refunds.

Please consider volunteering to serve as a greeter or tax preparer at a VITA site in 2023. No prior experience is necessary. All volunteers receive free training in face-to-face and/or online environments.

Learn more about volunteering with VITA at this link or by emailing Mike Eveland, VITA coordinator and UWWF Financial Stability Manager.

Click to Volunteer