RSVP Digest

Escambia County

July 2023

Volume 2: Issue 1

What is AmeriCorps?

Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

In June, we had the largest attendance at an RSVP Lunch and Learn event since the pandemic. This means lots of folks are hearing about AmeriCorps, the federal agency underwriting the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, for the first time. 

Like Independence Day on the Fourth of July, AmeriCorps focuses on the promise of opportunity. This promise becomes reality when we work together to build stronger communities where every person can reach their full potential. The mission of AmeriCorps is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.

This is what AmeriCorps has been built for—bringing all Americans together. Working alongside each other for the betterment of every community. Ensuring that everyone gets the help they need, and the opportunities they deserve. AmeriCorps is your chance to be a part of something bigger.

If you are 55 or better, please contact me at to learn more about becoming a member of AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP. There are no membership dues or fees. The only requirements are a heart for service combined with the willingness to serve your neighbors and community. 

AmeriCorps Fun Fact

The only federal agency dedicated to community service and volunteerism.

Lunch and Learn on July 18

Pensacola: Discover Parks & Demystify Parking

Bayview Senior Center - 2000 East Lloyd Street

Folks who are 55 and better are invited to the Escambia County Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for the July Lunch & Learn program at the Bayview Senior Center. Staff from the City of Pensacola will present a two-for-one program.

Lissa Dees, Parking Director, will present a “Parking in Pensacola 101” tutorial. Attendees will learn:

  • Where and how to find free parking.
  • How to distinguish city parking which is cheaper from private parking which often “boots” vehicles and has higher fees including ticket charges.
  • How to pay for city parking using one of three options.
  • How to download the city’s parking app to your phone then pre-load license plate numbers for future use.


Next, Parks and Recreation staff will offer a tour of the Bayview Senior Center including highlights of their varied weekday programs focusing on fun, fellowship, health, personal growth, and creative expression.


Participants will also learn about Pensacola’s annual Senior Games which will be September 8-22 this year. Athletes who are 50 and better can compete in 21 sporting events that are qualifiers for the Florida Senior Games. Events include bocce, horseshoes, bowling, darts, track and field, tennis, swimming, and much more.


This program is free of charge, but pre-registration is requested by July 14.

Register for Lunch

Blood Drive

United Way of West Florida

Thursday, July 13

11 AM to 4 PM

Donors receive a $20 eGift Card

More Information

Community Partner Spotlight:

American Heart Association & Florida Blue

Two organizations committed to improving our health joined forces to make the RSVP Lunch and Learn in June a success.

Florida Blue provided meeting space at their Airport Boulevard location in Pensacola. They also helped with promotion resulting in the largest attendance at a Lunch and Learn event since the pandemic ended.

The 42 people who attended heard a presentation from Inger Berg of the American Heart Association. She provided an overview of eight habits to improve heart health thus minimizing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Photo: Lydia Wedderburn, MSW  (Florida Blue - Community Specialist) and

Inger Berg (American Heart Association - Senior Director, Florida Panhandle)

PowerPoint - Life's Essential Eight

A Financial Health Tip to Avoid Scams

According to the National Council on Aging, scams targeting older adults are on the rise and have resulted in $1.7 billion in losses. Current common scams to be aware of include:

Government Impersonation Scams 

Scammers call unsuspecting older adults and pretend to be from the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, or Medicare.

Sweepstakes Scam

Scammers call an older adult to tell them they've won a lottery or another prize. But to claim their winnings, the older adult must send money or gift cards up front to cover "taxes and processing fees."


Robocalls and Phone Scams

Some robocalls claim a warranty is expiring and payment is needed to renew it. Another common robocall is the “Can you hear me?” call. When the older person says “yes,” the scammer records their voice which is used to authorize an undisclosed payment.


Computer Support Scams

 A pop-up message or blank screen may appear on a computer or phone telling the targeted victim their device is damaged and needs to be fixed. When they call the support number for help, the scammer may either request remote access to the computer and/or demand they pay a fee to have it repaired.


The Grandparent Scam

Scammers call and say something like: “Hi Grandma, do you know who this is?” When the unaware grandparent guesses the name of the grandchild the scammer sounds like, the fake grandchild then asks for money to solve an urgent financial problem like overdue rent, car repairs, or jail bond. They often beg the grandparent not to tell anyone.

Report Fraud

Annual Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!

Dean Easterwood, President of Ears2Hear

Presentation at RSVP Lunch & Learn at Florida Blue on June 21, 2023


"Coming of Age" Magazine

Thanks to our sponsor and Ballinger Press, we are able to promote RSVP

in their quarterly lifestyle magazine for seniors "Coming of Age." See page 15.

Visit the RSVP Website