RSVP Digest

Escambia County

June 2023

Volume 1: Issue 12

The Power of Our Words

Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

Are you familiar with this children’s rhyme dating back to at least the mid-nineteenth century?

Sticks and stones may break my bones,

but words will never hurt me.

Since first uttered, numerous variations of these words have appeared in children’s books, speeches, secular newspapers, sacred publications, and even songs by the Who and Madonna.

According to Wikipedia, this rhyme is typically used as a “defense against name-calling and verbal bullying.” It is “intended to increase resiliency, avoid physical retaliation, and/or to remain calm and indifferent.”

I recently attended a workshop that reminded me of the power of our words to reinforce negative stereotypes such as ageism. Negative stereotypes lead to discrimination and unjust treatment of entire groups of people by labeling them as “the other.”

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) includes words in its name that are often used to perpetuate ageism. The words “retired” and “senior.”

But at its core, RSVP flips the script on aging by demonstrating folks 55 and better are a valuable part of our communities. After all, AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers “Lead by Experience” to support our neighbors while addressing critical community needs.

Let's quit denying words will never hurt us. Click below to learn how to reframe stereotypes about aging through mindful selection of the words we use. 

National Center to Reframe Aging

Lunch and Learn on June 21

Heart Health: Life's Essential 8

Florida Blue Center at 1680 Airport Boulevard

RSVP members and guests fifty-five and better are invited to this month’s Lunch and Learn at the Florida Blue Center from 11 AM to 1 PM on Wednesday, June 21.

Keynote speaker Inger Berg will present a checklist for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health as defined by the American Heart Association. 

This is your opportunity to learn a few easy steps to living a healthier lifestyle. These changes can help lower your risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems.

In addition, Dean Easterwood from Ears2Hear will share information on the connection between the ability to hear and the quality of our lives as we age. Ears2Hear is our annual sponsor for RSVP Lunch and Learn events.

Register for Lunch

Tax Holiday for Hurricane Supplies

The Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday was created to incentivize preparedness before hurricane and tropical storm season. Hurricane season begins June 1 and continues through November.

Two periods were approved by the Florida Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis: The sales tax holidays are:

  • Saturday, May 27 to Friday, June 9
  • Saturday, Aug. 26 to Friday, Sept. 8

Floridians can expect to purchase the following items without paying sales tax:

  • Pet leashes, collars and muzzles ($20 or less)
  • Paper towels, toilet paper and soap ($30 or less)
  • Candles, flashlights, lanterns and pet beds ($40 or less)
  • Batteries, excluding automobile and boat batteries ($50 or less)
  • Radios powered by battery, solar or hand crank ($50 or less)
  • Coolers ($60 or less)
  • Smoke detectors ($70 or less)
  • Tarps ($100 or less)
  • Portable generators ($3000 or less)
Complete List of Items

Volunteer Spotlight: VITA

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

An intergenerational team of volunteers spanning college students through octogenarians prepared tax returns for their neighbors through VITA—the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Over 700 returns have been completed so far saving tax payers over $150,000 in filing fees.

RSVP members contributing to this effort included Jacqui McDonald, Ray Moody, and Dr. Barbara White.

Still need to file? VITA volunteers will continue preparing returns on Wednesdays through October from 10 AM to 2 PM. Florida Blue on Airport Boulevard is the host site the first, second and third Wednesdays of the month. VITA will be at Goodwill on Olive Road the 4th Wednesday of each month. Walk in appointments only. Click here for more information.

Community Partner Spotlight:

Escambia County Emergency Management

Emergency Manager Travis Tompkins welcomed RSVP members, their friends and family, plus UWWF staff to the Escambia County Public Safety facility for May's Lunch and Learn. The group convened in the Operations Center which becomes a hub of activity whenever disaster strikes.

In his presentation, Travis focused on hurricane preparedness and disaster response. Key points were: (1) “know your zone” to prepare for evacuation during storms; and (2) hide from hurricane wind but run from storm surge water. Davis Wood, Public Information and Education Officer, took participants on a tour of the Public Safety building after lunch.

Thank you to all the staff at Public Safety—the department that never sleeps. They are responsible for keeping citizens safe from emergencies and disasters both man-made and natural. Their divisions include: Emergency Communication, Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Services, Fire and Rescue, and Pensacola Beach Lifeguards.

Disaster Guide PDF
Know Your Zone

Annual Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!


"Coming of Age" Magazine

Thanks to our sponsor and Ballinger Press, we are able to promote RSVP

in the quarterly lifestyle magazine for seniors "Coming of Age." See page 15.

Visit the RSVP Website