Since first uttered, numerous variations of these words have appeared in children’s books, speeches, secular newspapers, sacred publications, and even songs by the Who and Madonna.
According to Wikipedia, this rhyme is typically used as a “defense against name-calling and verbal bullying.” It is “intended to increase resiliency, avoid physical retaliation, and/or to remain calm and indifferent.”
I recently attended a workshop that reminded me of the power of our words to reinforce negative stereotypes such as ageism. Negative stereotypes lead to discrimination and unjust treatment of entire groups of people by labeling them as “the other.”
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) includes words in its name that are often used to perpetuate ageism. The words “retired” and “senior.”
But at its core, RSVP flips the script on aging by demonstrating folks 55 and better are a valuable part of our communities. After all, AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers “Lead by Experience” to support our neighbors while addressing critical community needs.
Let's quit denying words will never hurt us. Click below to learn how to reframe stereotypes about aging through mindful selection of the words we use.