RSVP Digest

Escambia County

May 2023

Volume 1: Issue 11

It Takes a Village

Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

An RSVP event in the past week reminded me that it takes a village of individuals working together to build a civil society.

The event was our monthly RSVP Lunch and Learn that focused on dementia awareness. Dementia is a common disease that impacted an estimated 7 million people ages 65 and older in 2020. Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia, but dementia is a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities severe enough to interfere with daily life.

The people who attended this lunch were at various phases in their understanding of dementia. Most knew someone with the disease. Some were caregivers for loved ones in various stages of the disease. Others were in the early stages of the disease themselves.

The staff at VITAS Healthcare and The Blake at Pensacola met each attendee where they were. They provided individualized information and resources to help each person move along their personal path.

Despite addressing a difficult topic, the atmosphere was filled with caring and compassion. Those involved in this event reflect the best our nation has to offer, as well as, the spirit of AmeriCorps.

Please Register Soon!

Lunch and Learn on Friday, May 12

Hurricane Preparedness

Escambia County Public Safety will share tips on preparing for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season which officially begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. Emergency Manager Travis Tompkins will focus on a three-pronged approach to: (1) know your zone; (2) know your home; and (3) know your plan.

Participants will learn useful information such as:

  • Difference between a hurricane watch and a hurricane warning.
  • Preparing before a storm to prevent damage and prepare for power loss.
  • Knowing when and how to evacuate safely.
  • Importance of hiding from wind but running from water.
  • Safely operating generators and cleaning up debris.
  • And much more!

This event will be at Escambia County Public Safety on 6575 North "W" Street off Pensacola Boulevard near the car dealerships. The Emergency Operations Center, "ground zero" for logistical support when disasters strikes, will be included on the tour.

Register for Lunch

Service Opportunities

*Click links below for more details!

Sort Dry & Canned Goods


Manna Food Pantries

Wednesday, May 17

9 AM to Noon

At Manna Main Office

3030 North E Street

Prepare Thank You Cards


ReadingPals Mentors

Thursday, May 18

1 to 4 PM

At UWWF Community Room

1301 W. Government Street

Volunteer Spotlight:

RSVP Service Project - Egg-Cellent ABCs

Thank you to the volunteers who prepared educational games on April 11 and 12. Upper and lower case letters were put on plastic eggs that were cut into halves. Students will match the letters into 26 pairs--one pair for each letter in the alphabet.

The games were given to ReadyKids! and will be distributed to ReadingPals students in their pre-K program. This activity will help students remember their ABCs over the summer so they are better prepared for kindergarten in the fall.

Photos - Top: Mary Ellen Lett, Gary Medley, Nancy Bass, Ann Livingston, and Barbara Quinn. Bottom: Sharon Jacob, Egg-Cellent Eggs, and Vickie Jacob.

Community Partner Spotlight:

VITAS Healthcare & The Blake at Pensacola

VITAS Healthcare (left-to-right): Rachel Schwartz - RN; Christa Sonnier - Social Work Intern; Emily Sheehan - Bereavement Manager; and Marla Hecht - Volunteer Manager.

Not in photo, but also present: Brieanne Raines and Stacy Brooks - Vitas Representatives.

Dementia was the focus of the April Lunch and Learn. We met at The Blake at Pensacola with VITAS Healthcare providing a Virtual Dementia Tour.

Marla Hecht, Volunteer Manager at VITAS, coordinated the logistics and there were LOTS of moving parts. This included meeting space, educational presentations, hands-on activities, tours, and of course, FOOD! In addition, Monica Bonilla was our hostess extraordinaire at The Blake at Pensacola.

THANK YOU Marla, Monica, and your amazing colleagues!

The Blake at Pensacola (left-to-right): David Acuff - Executive Director;

Monica Bonilla - Area Director of Sales; Leslie Switzer - Director of Memory Care;

 Michelle Killin - Assistant Director of Sales; and Charline Wetzel - Director of Activities.

Fact Sheet on Memory Care
"Washington Post" Article on Early Alzheimer's

Help Our Hungry Neighbors

Saturday, May 13

The annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive is quickly approaching. Letter carriers will be picking up food donations on May 13.

Organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), the Stamp Out Hunger food drive is the largest one-day food drive in the country.

Food collected in Escambia County stays here. Participate by leaving non-perishable food donations by your mailbox on May 13 for your letter carrier to collect. Donations will benefit local food banks and pantries helping to ensure families in need have access to nutritious food.

Residents are encouraged to leave a bag of healthy, non-perishable food items, such as canned fruit in 100% juice, canned mixed vegetables, canned chicken, canned tuna, dry breakfast items (oatmeal, whole-grain cereal), peanut butter, and/or dry beans. Residents should not donate items in glass containers or items that have been opened or are home-made.

Quarterly Sponsor . . . THANK YOU!


"Coming of Age" Magazine

Thanks to our sponsor and Ballinger Press, we are able to promote RSVP

in the quarterly lifestyle magazine for seniors "Coming of Age." See page 15.

Visit the RSVP Website