RSVP Digest

November 2022

Volume 1: Issue 5


Janet McCoy, RSVP Manager

November is a time to count our blessings as we head into the end-of-the-year holiday season. It is a time to be with family and friends--even if we have to travel long distances. November is a time to break bread together and enjoy one another's company. It is a time to be grateful.

I am grateful for each and every one of the AmeriCorps Senior members who has donated their time and talent. We have been able to positively impact our community, particularly at our three primary volunteer service sites--Manna Food Pantries, Reading Pals, and VITA. Individually and collectively we have helped our neighbors improve their food security, educational outcomes, and financial stability.  Thank you for helping make the world a better place. 

Save the Date for Lunch & Learn

321 DeVilliers Square 

November 16 @ 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Our November luncheon will be in the historic Belmont DeVilliers neighborhood of downtown Pensacola.

We will meet in DeVilliers Square. Leaders from two nonprofit agencies focusing on education will tell us about their missions and the clients they serve. 

Speakers include: (1) Vanessa Mayes, Executive Director of The Global Corner; and (2) Gladys Scott, Co-Founder of Sisters of Hope Center.

Lunch will be catered by Five Sisters Blues Cafe.


The above link will not work when all of the available slots have been filled. Email the RSVP Manager if you want to be put on the event's wait list.

Also, please cancel your reservation if your plans change.

Someone else will then be able to attend. Thank you!

Community Partner Spotlight: SHINE Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders 

Marti Hearn was the guest speaker at the October RSVP Lunch and Learn. She focused on how to select a Medicare plan and how to avoid becoming a victim of Medicare fraud.  

Marti is the SHINE liaison for EscambiaSanta Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton Counties where she leads a team of trained counselors who help seniors with all their Medicare issues.

Four handouts were distributed at this highly informative workshop:

  1. SHINE Brochure: Know Your Rights
  2. The Elder Helpline: Your First Stop for Information
  3. Medicare Overview 2023: Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage
  4. Senior Medicare Patrol: Prevent Medicare Fraud

Volunteer Spotlight:

RSVP Volunteers @ UWWF Day of Caring

Left: Dave Mathews, Janet McCoy, Barbara Sawyer. Right: Vickie Jacob, Debbie Craft, Joanna Abel.

AmeriCorps members from the Escambia County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) delivered gently used books to Little Free Libraries in our community for Day of Caring on October 7. This is the largest annual service event hosted by the United Way of West Florida (UWWF).

A big shout out to Dave Mathews who served as project coordinator. He also built a new door for the library on Government Street in front of the UWWF office building. Let's all continue to "To take a book. Share a book."   

Thank You to Our Quarterly Sponsor
