Thursday, December 8
Sing in the Season Program

*We will be collecting new socks, underwear, t-shirts, toiletries and monetary donations for the St. James Baptist Church Food and Clothing Ministry.
Please bring what you can.

RSVP to July Banner <-----click here to RSVP
Wednesday, December 14
Community Life -
Senior Holiday Party

Thursday, December 15
BINGO Back by popular demand, a December Holiday BINGO is planned.
Board of Directors Meeting, 11:00 am.  All members are welcome to attend!

Saturday, December 17
Clarington Island Clean Up  Contact Priscilla Rhew for details.

Under the leadership of Greg Breidenbach, Bingo continues to be a big draw for families in the community every other month. We see an average of $1,500 from this fundraiser. 

Holiday Bingo night is coming up on December 15th! Volunteers are what make this a fun evening. Email Greg to learn how you can help.

Community Life

Headed by Sherrill Martin

The upcoming December 14 Senior’s Holiday Party is our gift to the senior community throughout the Grove to spread holiday cheer

Our Education outreach program and Human Trafficking And Awareness Program (HTAP)–both headed by Carol White–have combined efforts to provide entertainment for our seniors at our Seniors Party through a talented group of children throughout the Grove.
With all our volunteers, it is hard to imagine that we need more volunteers! 
If you would like to volunteer, here are some vacancies that need YOU:

House and Grounds Chair
Writer, Social Media (Instagram, Facebook)
Website and Public Relations
Theatre Production

Email Illine to learn more about volunteering.