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This week is Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei. The Jr. Rabbi is Habochur Hatomim Hamispallel YOSEF YITZCHOK COHEN sheyichye, in honor of his upcoming Yom Huledes. We wish you a Shnas Hatzlocha B'Gur!

PRE-Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen!

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Next Motzei Shabbos, Parshas Vayishlach, November 20th we are having a special Melave Malka for boys and girls (at 2 separate events!)

RSVP closes on Sunday evening, 11/14 at 9 P.M. - Be sure to register if you want to join!

RSVP Here!!




Don't forget our Class Competition is in FULL SWING!!!

Join us in Shul on Shabbos, sit with your class and show us your best Derech Eretz!

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Cup'a Club is on this week!

Join our 5th grade committee in the tent outside of KYY at 9:50 p.m. to be a part of the CUP'a Club!!

Sponsor a Kiddush!

for the kids of KYY


Each week after Davening, KYY hosts a special kids kiddush - you can now sponsor in honor of a birthday, celebration or n honor/memory of someone you love!

$180 - Regular Kiddush

$250 - Specialty Kiddush

$360 - Kiddush Deluxe

Wishing you a great Shabbos!


Rabbi DB and Srula

Reb Shmulik

Yehuda and Sroli Munitz - Presedium

Chana Farkash and Bashi Schaprio - Cabinet members


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