News from Denver CPD that may impact building and development projects
Denver skyline
Development news from Community Planning and Development (CPD)

In this issue you will find:
  • Join us for a public comment meeting
  • Zoning and Neighborhood Inspections redistricting effort
  • What you need to know about Landmark inspections
  • Submit your Energize Denver Award nomination today
  • Recaps from our last newsletter
Join us for a public comment meeting
Proposed amendments to the Denver Building and Fire Code

September 22 from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

During this public comment meeting, the full list of proposed code changes of the 2019 Denver Building and Fire Code, including the new, voluntary Denver Green Code, will be reviewed. Staff will answer questions and address comments from the public, including those submitted via the online comment form.

Please RSVP for the meeting by emailing

720-388-6219 United States, Denver (Toll)
Conference ID: 509 132 312#

View the proposed amendments:
Zoning and Neighborhood Inspections redistricting effort
In an effort to ensure construction and complaint workload is more evenly distributed within districts, our Zoning and Neighborhood Inspections (Z/NIS) team used inspection data from from the last few years to rework the districts each inspector services. Each of our 16 neighborhood inspectors have been designated a single district, and we've shifted our neighborhood inspectors around the map.

What you need to know about Landmark inspections
landmark marker
Landmark Preservation staff reviews the designs of proposed exterior alterations, additions to buildings, new construction, signs, and non-vegetative site work for properties located within the boundaries of an historic district or for a property designated a Denver landmark. In turn, a Landmark inspection is required in order to ensure that the work being done matches the approved plans.

What to expect from your Landmark inspection:
  • The Landmark inspector will check to see if the work complies with the Denver Zoning Code, the Landmark Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) and the approved set of Landmark plans. 
  • NOTE: Any changes made after your plans have been approved must be submitted for review and approval again. Changes made without Landmark approval will cause your inspection to be denied.

How to schedule a final inspection or Certificate of Occupancy (CO) inspection for Landmark:
  • Visit e-permits and click "Enter E-Permits"
  • New users will need to create an account 
  • In e-permits, click the “Development Services” tab and then either: 
  • Select the permit record from your “My Records” list (which will populate after your contractor’s license has been added to your e-permits account) OR
  • Search for the permit. Type the permit number in the Record Number box and hit search.
  • Once on the correct permit page, go to "Record Info" > "Inspections"
  • Click “Schedule or Request an Inspection” 
  • Select "Zoning CO" to schedule either a final inspection, or a final CO inspection

Energize Denver Awards 2020: Call for Nominations

The Energize Denver Energy Efficiency Awards are given to existing buildings that save the most energy, and this year there are two new award categories: COVID Adaptation & Resilience and Individual Leadership. These categories are open to all existing buildings (and individuals who work in the buildings) that were in compliance with the Energize Denver Benchmarking Ordinance (by August 1, 2020).

Submit your nominations for the 2020 Energize Denver Awards by Friday, September 25.

Recaps from our last newsletter

  • New pilot program encourages more sustainability in Denver Learn more >>

  • Help us measure customer satisfaction. If you would like to be a part of a working group to develop new ways to measure customer satisfaction, please email Anna Weber at

  • In the news: Denver advances toward climate goals with successful Green Buildings Ordinance (USGBC Colorado). Read the full article >>

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