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EMPOWER Series Breakfast &

Vision Board Workshop

The Network Bar

331 Singleton Blvd., Dallas, TX 75121

Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 10AM CST

10AM - Breakfast

11AM - Vision Board Workshop (LIVE STREAM)

12PM - Networking

Please join EMPOWER Series for our Breakfast & Vision Board Workshop: A Recipe for Creating the Life You Imagine! Vision boards are a powerful tool for dreaming big, setting intentions & goals, and achieving them. A'Mera Frieman with Frieman Training and Development will guide us through a process of using pictures, magazine clippings, words, and quotes to visually affirm our goals and dreams. You bring your goals and ideas. We will provide 16" x 20" foam core poster boards, scissors, glue, tape, magazines, trinkets, borders, sticky notes, markers, and pens. However, feel free to bring materials, as well.


Materials Provided:: 16 x 20 foam core poster board, scissors, glue, tape, magazines, trinkets, borders, sticky notes, markers, pens.

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Visioning & Goal Setting

Visioning & Goal Setting



Credit Management

Credit Management

Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy

College Scholarships

Scholarships for College

Home Ownership

Home Ownership

Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness

Personal Development

Personal Development

Life Insurance Awareness Month - Help Protect Our Families

Life Insurance

Estate Planning - Wills, Trusts & Probate

Estate Planning - Wills, Trust & Probate

Estate Planning on a Budget

Estate Planning on a Budget

Putting It All Together

Putting It All Together

EMPOWER Series, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
Text GIVE or DONATE to 214-225-6337
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