RTT Begins to
Re-Open... Slowly

Greetings all!

This picture says so much.....

My thoughts this week have been focused on feelings of gratitude and the amazing sense of community that has continued at RTT throughout the past 3 months! I am truly grateful for so many things. I am grateful for the generosity of so many who have supported RTT and especially our horses, making sure that their needs are being met despite this change in circumstances and I am grateful for the funding that has been made available through the federal government, ensuring that small businesses and non-profits can weather this storm. I am grateful for our amazing staff and Board members who continue to be flexible and creative in meeting the needs of our clients, volunteers and the organization through so many forms of outreach and connection. I am grateful for the voices on the other end of the phone—be they volunteers or clients and parents—who have expressed their appreciation for the thoughtful way that we are working to reopen. I am grateful for those volunteers who have been at the farm, those who are helping to get the horses back in shape and those willing to take on new volunteer duties as we find our way. I am grateful to those who are ready to resume services, even though so much of this will look and feel different. And I am grateful to those who are being patient and who will need to wait a bit longer, until we feel we can safely meet their needs. This community is unlike any other.

Please know that our commitment to serve and our dedication to all of you has not wavered. We will welcome you back slowly but surely with open arms and virtual hugs and we know that our horses will provide some much needed love, support and connection for all of you. Thank you for your patience and belief in the work that we do at RTT.

Be well,

An update on RTT's phased re-opening plan can be found here .
Volunteer Appreciation - Curbside !

We are sorry to have to cancel our lakeside Volunteer Appreciation picnic this year but invite all volunteers to be appreciated  curbside  at the farm on Tuesday, June 23 (rain date is Thursday, June 25) from 2 - 4 pm. We ask that you to stay in your car, while the horses and staff visit with you. Thank you for all you do for the clients and horses of Riding To The Top--We miss you and hope to see you on the 23rd!!
**Important Information for Volunteers**
You should have received an email this past week with a RTT Volunteer Survey and with news about upcoming COVID-19 trainings and paperwork that are now required for everyone at the farm to ensure the utmost safety for all. Trainings will be held at various times throughout the week to accommodate everyone. If you haven't seen the email or have questions/concerns, please contact Nick .
It was so great to see so many of you back at RTT for Curbside at RTT , even if it was a bit different. Until further notice, we will be offering our "curbside option" allowing visitors to drive through the barnyard and see some familiar faces (equine and human)! Curbside is offered on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:45 to 3:45 pm! Please note, at this time visitors must stay in their cars. Please RSVP below to let us know you're coming!
Featured Horse of the Week... Miss B!

Beloved is a 19-year-old, 15.1 hand Morgan mare who has been at RTT for three years. She has a background in dressage and worked in lessons before coming to the farm. Beloved is universally admired and loved for her incredibly sweet and curious personality. Miss B is on a special diet which means she can't have any of the treats she loves, luckily, she loves pats almost as much!
Miss B shares her thoughts with you...

Hey, it's Beloved, aka Miss B! I'm unique because of my distinctive liver chestnut color -- not a “common” chestnut like all the others -- and the fact that I am a Morgan. I came to RTT having had a fair amount of dressage training and you can see in this week’s volunteer video how accomplished I am! I love my work at the farm, teaching both experienced and new riders the ropes and I look forward to the day when you are back here to work with me!

Enjoy these puzzles of Miss B and her friends!
Learn from Home
In this video Marissa demonstrates some tips for trying on and adjusting a helmet for proper fit. As we reopen, we are highly encouraging individuals to purchase their own helmets in an effort to reduce shared equipment. RTT is working with a couple vendors to put together a helmet order. Please stay tuned for a more detailed helmet sizing, fit, and care guide, as well as exclusive offers for our participants.
Continuing Education for Volunteers!
Lateral Work with Miss B
Lateral work refers to any movement where the horse is moving forward and sideways at the same time. You may see instructors or volunteer schoolers doing one or both of the following lateral work exercises as they work with RTT horses: leg yielding and shoulder in. In this video, Kristin demonstrates both with Miss B! We utilize lateral work to help supple and strengthen our horses.
At Home Exercises!
In this video Marissa demonstrates some upper body stretches and exercises that can be easily modified for various degrees of difficulty. All you need is a stable surface, such as a chair, stool or table.
Stay Connected
Zoom with a Horse
We are having so much fun 'Zooming and Grooming' one on one with participants! Please use this  Google Form  to select a time to Zoom with us and your favorite horse.

Follow us on Social Media
If you don't already, follow us on social media to see herd and farm updates. Find us on  Facebook  , Instagram (@ridingtothetop),  YouTube  , and on our private  RTT Participants and Volunteers group  .

Send us an e-mail
We want to  hear from you ! Tell us what you want to see from us, or just send us a hello!

Keeping Track!
We have been packing these newsletters full of information and resources and wanted a way to keep track of it all.  This document  contains links to everything we've shared so far!
Shopping from home? Shop for RTT!
Choose RTT as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile , while you're shopping, pick out a few items on RTT's Wish List !
Riding To The Top | ridingtothetop.org