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Building Bridges of

Inclusion, Justice, and Spirituality


Join us for worship and Dixieland Band Music!

Make us part of your chosen spiritual family

this Sunday at 10:15 AM

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey,

you are welcome here!

This Sunday at Shadow Rock

9:00 am

  • Spiritual Formation/Sunday School for adults or children, 9 a.m.
  • Childcare on Sunday is in the Blue Room, 9-11:30 a.m.
  • Spiritual Play for 3 (potty-trained) - 8, 9-11:30 a.m.

10:15 a.m.

  • Worship in the sanctuary.

11:15 a.m.

  • Sermon Reboot will NOT happen this Sunday after worship. We will be in Smith Hall enjoying Jambalaya, King's Cake, and each other's good company.

Parable Study Continues At Shadow Rock, February 8th at 11 am.

This study is led by Pastor Ken and will center on the parables of Jesus. It will be every Thursday at 11 am on the Shadow Rock campus. The study will go through March 7th. This week the group will look at the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard. It is known to evoke the most resistance to our sense of fairness. It is also the Word About Life for Mardi Gras Sunday as it reflects the topsy-turvy ways of God.

If you want to join by way of Zoom, click here.

Last week's study can be viewed by clicking below. The best place to start is at the 14-minute mark. We still had some starts and stops but we got going a lot sooner than usual. Yeah, us! Click the link below and enter the passcode.

Click here!

Passcode: 2*cJ9!s0

Lois Beberniss wins Boy Scout Award

The Pinnacle Peak District of Boy Scouts of America recognizes individuals who have been instrumental in furthering scouting programming in our region. Lois Beberniss was nominated and won the award for Charter Chair of the Year. Lois is our Director of Campus Affairs at Shadow Rock and she makes sure all the groups that meet under our roof have an excellent experience of hospitality. Scout Troop 426 is one of those groups and they made sure she was honored.


Spiritual Play is our experimental program focused on the spirituality of children. Located in the Education Building and meets on Sundays, 9-11:30 am.

Contact Developer of Spiritual Play with


Dr. Cindy Hoard, EdD

Cell: 602-616-9682

Realms of Caring is the companion program for the parents whose children are participating in Spiritual Play and Sunday School. If you want to explore how to talk with your children or grandchildren about spirituality this program is for you. We are thankful to Laurie Folsom for hosting and leading this program. Plus, it serves some pretty good coffee in addition to some great conversation.

"Q and A" About the Work of Our Transition Team February 25th at 11:30 AM

The Transition Team will hold a Q&A session to update everyone on their work.

The scope of their work is to oversee the process of moving Shadow Rock UCC into an organizational model that is sustainable and adaptive, with the motivation that the preservation and promotion of our core values, vision, and mission are key to the survival and thriving of Shadow Rock.

The chair of the team is Marylin Rampley. Feel free to contact her.



I was happy to hang out at your tremendous art show event last November 2023. You had a great community event with art, food, good company, and music to celebrate your 50th Anniversary. I was there and I had no "egrets". I had a great time and many others can't stop "raven" about it.

This event required a lot of planning and work by a team of dedicated people. The question is, "Do you want to do it again?" If you want to be part of an "egg-cellent" art show collaboration, contact the church office. At this time, the church staff is gathering information and collecting names of interested persons.

We are exploring the idea of doing another art show next Fall of 2024. We want to have a team in place by March 31st. So if you want to be a part of the next great art event do not procrastinate. Do not be caught flat-footed in the rain. Sign up because whoever signs up will be the "winner-winner chicken dinner". They will have the benefit of the experience of the previous year.