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Building Bridges of

Inclusion, Justice, and Spirituality

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey,

you are welcome here!

Welcome to Our Season of

Waiting, Hoping, Singing, and Acting!

Dec. 17 Third Sunday of Advent We Allow Ourselves to be Amazed

This is a Sunday for us to gather for Coffee Chat. Holiday snacks will add to the fun!


Dec. 24 Fourth Sunday of Advent We Sing Stories of Hope    

We will worship in Smith Hall at 10:15 a.m. This is a 50th         

Anniversary Celebration observance because Shadow Rock’s first

worship service on this campus was Christmas Eve in this space.


Dec. 24 Christmas Eve We Make Room

This is our candlelight service at 5 p.m. Invite friends and family and share the joy and beauty.


This Sunday at Shadow Rock

9:00 am

  • Spiritual Formation and discussion for Adults in the Multi-purpose Room. The topic for the next few weeks is hospitality. Everyone is invited!
  • Childcare is in the Blue Room, 9-11:30 a.m.
  • Sunday School (9-10 a.m.) for Children is in the Red Room.

10:15 a.m.

Worship in the Sanctuary. This is the first Sunday of Advent!

11:15 a.m.

Sermon Reboot will not happen this Sunday after worship.

Calendar Heads Up! December 22 - January 1 the office will be closed. Also, January 2 - 4 office will be open 9 am - 3 pm.

Sermon Reboot is our time to discuss the Sunday message and our worship experience. We use the ORID method:

O is for observation (what word or phrase sticks out for you?).

R is for reflection (what feelings did you have?).

I is for interpretation (what does it mean to you?).

D is for decision (what decision will you make as you move forward?).

As we approach the holidays we will take a break from Sermon Reboot for the weeks of 12/17, 12/24, and 12/31. We will resume in the new year 1/7.

The Sakhizada Family Arrives Safely

The Sakhizada family is an Afghan diplomat family that was stranded in Jeddah Saudi Arabia for over two years. They finally received their visas and arrived on Dec. 8th. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is taking the lead on their resettlement process but we still have an essential role to play. We will still provide for their needs, advocate for them, and work to provide an experience of hospitality. Our role will be key to taking off some of the harsh and traumatic edges that are part of the resettlement process.

We hope to welcome them this Sunday during our worship service and Coffee Chat. For the next few months, we need help with transportation. The Elhams (our first Afghan refugee family will be a great help during this time but we need more help). The IRC is housing the family in South Phoenix (near 67th Avenue and McDowell Road). This presents a significant logistical challenge for the time being. I am looking for a team of people who can help with transportation to the church and agency appointments.

Also, because refugees arrive with only their suitcases they come without many basics. Please look for email updates from our Refugee Resettlement Team. We are working with the IRC and other agencies to attain items, i.e. rice cooker, hair dryer, dining room table and chairs, printer, vacuum cleaner, laptop, and clothes iron.

Our Advent theme is "How Does a Weary World Rejoice?" The Sakhizadas are weary and rightly so. However, they are rejoicing and we rejoice with them.

Untitled Design


Thanks to the Parent Action Team for organizing a great preschool family event for Christmas. Our Education Building was full of children, flash bulbs, cookies, and music. Thank you PAT for making Christmas!


Sundays of January 14, 2024 - February 18, 2024

9-11:15 AM

Ages 3-8

What is Spiritual Play?

  • Play-based Spirituality
  • Spiritual Exploration of Awe & Wonder
  • Make New Friends
  • Self-care
  • Meditation & Mindfulness
  • Sensory Awareness (Feeling, touch, sounds, smells, tastes, physical sensations)
  • Snack Time
  • Outdoor Play & Exploration

Get In Touch With the Abilities A Child Is Born With!

“God’s ways of being with children and children’s ways of being with God.”

- Rebecca Nye

Lisa Miller’s Definition

of Spirituality and

Related Ideas

“Spirituality is an inner sense of relationship to a higher power that is loving and guiding. The word we give to this higher power might be God, nature, spirit, the universe, the creator or other words that represent a divine presence.”

Lisa Miller, PhD

The Awakened Brain

Contact Developer of Spiritual Play with


Dr. Cindy Hoard, EdD

Cell: 602-616-9682

HEY FRIENDS! We will have Coffee Chat this Sunday after worship. Thanks to the people who stepped up to host. If you want to be a part of creating this time of fellowship contact us at the church office. Thanks!


Thank you Motion Olson for your art and care!

See Art Show pictures here!

Produced and Shared by Starter Video

Motion Olson, Executive Producer


Email Motion Olson.

Electronic Recycling Happens January 12-14

Put it on your calendars and gather your electronic junk. Your junk is recycled, repurposed, and becomes a great tool for good for someone else. It is also a way to contribute to the health of our planet. Thanks to AZStrut and Tom Mehlert for their work.